Zeolite Synthesis

crystal signs and morphology. • the role of organic compounds. • novel synthesis procedures. With ... 1155 Sixteenth St, N.W.. Washington. DC 2003...
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MEETINGS FIA Automation of the DPD Method for Chlorine in Water by Flow Injection. K. J. Smith, G. Gordon, G. E. Pacey, Miami U Automated On-Line Extraction and Determination of Trace Impurities in a Uranium Matrix by Flow Injection/ICP Analysis. H. Nekimken, D. Gallimore, Los Alamos National Laboratory Characterization of Sulphochlorophenolazorhodamine as a Reagent for Palladium in FIA. P. M. Shiundu, P. D. Wentzell, A. P. Wade, U of British Columbia Peroxide Determinations Using Immobilized Chemiluminescence Reagents. N. M. Rao, T. A. Nieman, U of Illinois Extending the Utility of Gas Diffusion FIA Using Immobilized Enzyme Membranes. T. A. Spinks, G. E. Pacey, Miami U On-Line Preconcentratlon of Refractory Elements for Determination by Atomizer, Source ICPs in Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry (ASIA). J. F. Tyson, S. Greenfield, T. M. Durrani, S. Kaya, U of Massachusetts Potentiometric Titration of Mixtures of Nitric, Hydrofluoric, and Acetic Acids In Semiconductor Etchants. W. C. Pesklak, SEH America On-Line Determination of Dissolved Gases in Liquid Process Streams. K. G. Schick, P. Karges, FIAtron Systems Poster Session AAS, AES, Computers and Software, Electroanalytical Chemistry, FIA, IR Spectroscopy, MS, Solid Materials Characterization

THURSDAY MORNING Trace Elements in Biological Samples Arranged by N. Miller-lhli, S. G. Capar, and F. L. Fricke Trace Elements in Biological Samples: A Comparison of Analytical Methods. M. Stoeppler, KFA Julich Programmed Microwave Dissolution Methods for ICP Analysis of Standard Reference Materials. R. L. Watters, N. M. Kingston, L. J. Wood, T. A. Butler, National Institute of Standards and Technology Application of ICP/MS to the Certification of Marine Biological Reference Materials. J. W. McLaren, S. N. Willie, S. S. Berman, National Research Council of Canada Determination of Lead in Foods. S. G. Capar, W. H. Lamont, S. C. Hight, U.S. FDA Laser-Enhanced Ionization Spectroscopy for the Analysis of Standard Reference Materials. G. C. Turk, H. M. Kingston, National Institute of Standards and Technology Dissolution and Separation Methods for DPASV Determinations of Lead and Cadmium in Biological Samples. K. Pratt, National Institute of Standards and Technology GFAAS Determination and Survey of Aluminum In Infant Formulas and Evaporated Milks. R. W. Dabeka, A. D. McKenzie, Health and Welfare Canada Determination of Vanadium in Biological and Environmental Samples. B. Patel, S. J. Haswell, R. Grzeskowiak, Thames Polytechnic, Great Britain

Bioelectroanalysis and Miniaturization— In Vivo and Instrumental Use

Zeolite Synthesis

Arranged by A. Brajter-Toth Potentiometric Ion/Gas Selective Sensors for Continuous In Vivo Measurements: Progress and Challenges. M. E. Meyerhoff, M. E. Collison, U of Michigan Enzyme-Modified Ultramicroelectrodes for Monitoring Neurotransmitter Release In Vivo. W. G. Kuhr, V. Moore, P. Pantano, U of California Microdlalysis Sampling Probes: The In Vivo Biosensor That Works Today. P. T. Kissinger, Purdue U and Bioanalytical Systems Piezoelectric Detection of Biological Targets via Enzymatic Amplification Routes. M. D. Ward, Du Pont Physical Electrochemistry Development of a Methodology for HighPressure Studies of Electrochemical Systems. M. T. Cruanes, H. G. Drickamer, L. R. Faulkner, U of Illinois Characterization of Transport Properties in Ion Exchange Membranes from the Analysis of Nonlinear Diffusion at Ultramicroelectrodes. M. E. Taylor, L. R. Faulkner, U of Illinois Electron Transfer Dynamics at Electrodes Modified by Alternate Adsorption of Isopolymolybdate and Water-Soluble Cations. C. Li, L. R. Faulkner, U of Illinois Controlled Potential Electrolysis at a Modified Electrode. T. Gray, J. Cox, Miami U Voltammetry of Hydrogen Peroxide at a Modified Electrode. R. Jaworski, J. Cox, Miami U Electrochemistry of Charge Transfer Complexes of Copper Chelates and Tetracyanoqulnodimethane (TCNQ). G. J. Pyrka, Q. Fernando, Kent State U Electrosynthesis and Characterization of Highly Conducting Poly(3-methylthiophene) on Stainless Steel Substrates. H. B. Mark, Jr., A. Galal, A. E. Karagozler, D. Cunningham, H. Zimmer, U of Cincinnati Photothermal Spectroscopy Arranged by S. Bialkowskl Water, A Unique Medium for Thermal Lens Measurements. C. D. Tran, M. Franko, Marquette U Hadamard Transform Photothermal Spectroscopy of Proteins. P. J. Treado, T. Demana, M. D. Morris, U of Michigan New Laser Source for Photothermal Spectroscopy. T. Imasaka, N. Ishibashi, Kyushu U Dynamic IR Spectroscopy Using Step-Scan Interferometry. R. A. Palmer, C. J. Manning, J. L. Chao, Duke U Developments in Pulsed-Laser Photothermal Probe-Beam Deflection Spectroscopy and Radiometry. A. C. Tarn, IBM Study of Polymer and Semiconductor Thin Films with Phase Analysis in FT-IR Photothermal Spectroscopy. L. G. Bertrand, Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal Photothermal Spectroscopy: Theory and Experiment. R. Gupta, U of Arkansas Multichannel/Multiplex Techniques— Atomic Spectroscopy Arranged by M. B. Denton Studies of Spark Spectroscopy Employing Charge Transfer Device Detectors. R. S. Pomeroy, M. B. Denton, U of Arizona

Over 600 pages

Zeolite Synthesis


ere in one volume is a complete progress report on the various aspects of zeolite synthesis on a molecular level. No other source covers this subject so completely! This new title provides many examples that illustrate how zeolites can be crystallized and what the important parameters are that control crystallization. A variety of topics covered in this important book include: • crystallization techniques • gel chemistry • crystal signs and morphology • the role of organic compounds • novel synthesis procedures With forty-two chapters, this valuable title offers a complete review of zeolite synthesis as well as the latest findings in this important field. Valuable new methods are highlighted such as VPI-S—the first 18-membered ring molecular sieve. In addition, examples of modern spectroscopic characterization of reactants and reaction intermediates are provided. Also covered is the chemistry of silicate solutions and reactant effects on crystallization products. This essential volume contains benchmark contributions from many notable pioneers in the field including R.M. Barrer, H. Robson, and Robert Milton. Mario L. Occelli, Editor, Unocal Corporation Harry E. Robson, Editor, Louisiana State University Developed from a symposium sponsored by the Division of Colloid and Surface Chemistry of the American Chemical Society ACS Symposium Series No. 398 643 pages (1989) Clothbound ISBN 0-8412-1632-0 LC 89-6884 US & Canada $139.95 Export $167.95

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