Zf. 7: R. c. G z< If '. M. T. A

If. Sfeiw. Bel.. chtwz. Ges. Bedin, 33, ZZZJ i ~yoo). - The reduction of succinimide takes place with great readiness in sulphuric acid solution. The ...
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The reduction of succinimide to pyrrolidon. J . Tiif22 O J .If.~ S f e i w . Bel.. chtwz. Ges. B e d i n , 33, Z Z Z J i ~ y o o ) . The reduction of succinimide takes place with great readiness in sulphuric acid solution. T h e electrical efficiency at the start was Sj percent. T h e introduction of 0 . 2 ing. of platiiluni in t h e forin of t h e chloride completely inhibits tlie reduction. .I n u n ~ b e rof preparations with pyrrolidon is described. G. L , 11..


The affinity constants for some cyclic organic acids with seven carbon atoms in the ring. If7, ' 4 . R o l h . Bel-. c i i e i u . Ges. Z?ediii> 33, 2032 ( 2 9 0 0 I , - The riiolecular conductivity of u isophenylacetic acid = 0.0036;. Rothmund obtained t h e constant 0.00379 for this acid. For the p acid the value is o.oojor. For t h e A , cycloheptencarbosylic acid, C,H,,.COOH, lie ohtained the numbers 0.000992 and 0.000928. The constant for 1.cyclohexencarboxylic acid varied from o.oo271j to 0.002606. c.G z< If '. T h e constitution of uranyl salts. H . L p j , . Zjer, (/zeiii. Gt3s. Z?cr/iti, 33, 2658 ( 1 9 0 0 ) .- T h e uranyl salts of t h e stronger acids are hut sliplitly liyilrolyzed at ordinary temperatures. acting as a nietallic ion.

T h e salts dissociate normally. t h e radical i L-r02) c. l*.ll-. (J..

~. Notes on platinum thermometry. H. Z,, C ' a / / ~ ~ u d u iA'hi/. .lTRLr. [j] 47, r y i ( I P ~ Y ' I -. T h e author reviews and explains a large amount of data 011 platintiin thermoineters which has been accuniulating since the date of his previous paper on t h e same suhject ( 1892). The general arrangemetit of t h e paper is iiia(1e with a view of shoi\-ing the superiority of tlie platintiin resistance tlierinoriieter over other temperature measuring instruments, as well as to point out t h e ease a n d facilitj- with which platinuni ' ' temperatures may he obtained antl reduced t o t h e air scale. T h e generally accepted notation antl nomenclature is explained a n d the proposal niade that it he generally adopted as a stanclard. T h e paper is one of value to those using the electrical resistance thermometer. If. 7.. 1;. "

On a practical thermometric standard. I S . L . C