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May 1, 2019 - stoichiometry with a (Zr,Ti):(Al,Sn):C starting powder atomic ratio of 2:1.1:0.95 ..... through the powder compact and mechanically acti...
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Cite This: Inorg. Chem. 2019, 58, 6669−6683

Synthesis and Characterization of Double Solid Solution (Zr,Ti)2(Al,Sn)C MAX Phase Ceramics ́ i Delville,† Daniel R. Neuville,§ Louis Hennet,∥ Bensu Tunca,*,†,‡ Thomas Lapauw,‡ Rem ⊥ # Dominique Thiaudier̀ e, Thierry Ouisse, Joke Hadermann,○ Jozef Vleugels,‡ and Konstantina Lambrinou†,¶ †

SCK•CEN, Boeretang 200, B-2400 Mol, Belgium Department of Materials Engineering, KU Leuven, Kasteelpark Arenberg 44, B-3001 Leuven, Belgium § Géomatériaux, Institut de Physique de Globe de Paris, CNRS-USPC, 75005 Paris, France ∥ CNRS-CEMHTI, Université d’Orléans, 45071 Orléans, France ⊥ Synchrotron SOLEIL, L’Orme des Merisiers, Saint-Aubin, 91192 Gif-sur-Yvette, France # Université Grenoble-Alpes, CNRS, Grenoble INP, LMGP, F-38000 Grenoble, France ○ Department of Physics, Electron Microscopy for Materials Research (EMAT), University of Antwerp, Groenenborgerlaan 171, B-2020 Antwerp, Belgium ¶ School of Computing and Engineering, University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield HD1 3DH, U.K.

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ABSTRACT: Quasi phase-pure (>98 wt %) MAX phase solid solution ceramics with the (Zr,Ti)2(Al0.5,Sn0.5)C stoichiometry and variable Zr/Ti ratios were synthesized by both reactive hot pressing and pressureless sintering of ZrH2, TiH2, Al, Sn, and C powder mixtures. The influence of the different processing parameters, such as applied pressure and sintering atmosphere, on phase purity and microstructure of the produced ceramics was investigated. The addition of Sn to the (Zr,Ti)2AlC system was the key to achieve phase purity. Its effect on the crystal structure of a 211-type MAX phase was assessed by calculating the distortions of the octahedral M6C and trigonal M6A prisms due to steric effects. The M6A prismatic distortion values were found to be smaller in Sn-containing double solid solutions than in the (Zr,Ti)2AlC MAX phases. The coefficients of thermal expansion along the ⟨a⟩ and ⟨c⟩ directions were measured by means of Rietveld refinement of high-temperature synchrotron X-ray diffraction data of (Zr1−x,Tix)2(Al0.5,Sn0.5)C MAX phase solid solutions with x = 0, 0.3, 0.7, and 1. The thermal expansion coefficient data of the Ti2(Al0.5,Sn0.5)C solid solution were compared with those of the Ti2AlC and Ti2SnC ternary compounds. The thermal expansion anisotropy increased in the (Zr,Ti)2(Al0.5,Sn0.5)C double solid solution MAX phases as compared to the Zr2(Al0.5,Sn0.5)C and Ti2(Al0.5,Sn0.5)C end-members.


ternary compounds or the synthesis of higher-order solid solutions. The synthesis of MAX phase solid solutions allows tailoring of the produced material properties according to the needs of the end application. Substituting M, A, and/or X with other elements not only leads to new MAX phases with improved oxidation,2−6 fracture toughness,7,8 strength,4,7 and self-healing properties3,9 but also leads to new ordered structures. Experimental and/or theoretical work on solid solutions revealed the existence of out-of-plane chemically ordered MAX (o-MAX) phases with the (M1/3,M′2/3)3AX2 (312) stoichiometry, such as (Mo2/3,Ti1/3)3AlC2,10,11 (Cr2/3,Ti1/3)3AlC2,12−15 (Ti2/3,Zr1/3)3AlC2,16

The MAX phases are an intriguing class of ceramics with metallic-like properties that stem from their nanolaminated crystal structure consisting of M6X octahedra interleaved with atomic A layers. The MAX phases have the Mn+1AXn general stoichiometry, with n = 1 (211-type), 2 (312-type), or 3 (413type). The M element corresponds to an early transition metal, A is a group 12−16 element, and X can be either C or N. They are good electrical and thermal conductors, damage tolerant, and machineable like most metals. Some MAX phases are also characterized by an excellent resistance to corrosion and oxidation and good high-temperature mechanical properties, similar to many ceramics.1 There are currently around 70 different ternary MAX phases, while the MAX phase family continues to expand steadily either by the discovery of new © 2019 American Chemical Society

Received: January 8, 2019 Published: May 1, 2019 6669

DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.9b00065 Inorg. Chem. 2019, 58, 6669−6683


Inorganic Chemistry Table 1. Processing Routes Used for (Zr,Ti)2(Al,Sn)C MAX Phase Synthesis in This Worka pressure-assisted sintering

pressureless sintering







uniaxial CC (MPa) CIP (MPa) sintering atmosphere P during heating (MPa) P during dwell (MPa)

30 − vacuum 6 30

30 − vacuum 0 30

30 − vacuum 0 0

− 200 vacuum 0 0

− 200 argon 0 0


All ceramics were sintered at 1450°C for 30 min; P = pressure, CC = cold compaction.

(Mo2/3,Sc1/3)3AlC2,17 and (Cr1/2,V1/2)3AlC2,18 as well as (M1/2,M′1/2)4AX3 (413) compositions, such as (Mo1/2,Ti1/2)4AlC3,11 (Cr0.5,V0.5)4AlC3,18 and (Zr1/2,Ti1/2)4AlC3.16 In addition to out-of-plane ordering, inplane-ordered MAX phases (i-MAX) with the (M1/3,M′2/3)2AlC stoichiometry were recently discovered, such as (Cr 2 / 3 ,Sc 1 / 3 ) 2 Al C , 2 1 ( C r 2 / 3 , Y 1 / 3 ) 2 Al C, 1 9 (Cr2/3,Zr1/3)2AlC,20 and (Mo2/3,Sc1/3)2AlC.21 Due to their remarkable properties, the MAX phases are considered for nuclear fuel cladding applications, both for GenII/III light water reactors (LWRs) and Gen-IV lead-cooled fast reactors (LFRs). The consideration of the MAX phases for nuclear fuel cladding applications excludes the use of elements with large neutron cross sections (e.g., Hf, Ta, Mo, Cd, etc.) and focuses on the possible use of elements with small neutron cross sections, such as zirconium (Zr). Moreover, material synthesis should take into account the radiotoxicity of the nuclear waste that must unavoidably be treated/stored at the end of the fuel cycle; therefore, only MAX phase carbides and their solid solutions have so far been considered for fuel cladding applications, as the neutron irradiation of nitrogen (N) generates the long-lived 14C isotope. As a result, the experimental synthesis of Zr2AlC and Zr3AlC2 phases gained rapid interest among researchers, as these two MAX phase compounds were considered promising fuel cladding material candidates.22,23 Another important consideration with respect to MAX phase synthesis for the nuclear sector is phase purity, so as to mitigate in-service material disintegration due to anisotropic irradiation swelling and/or coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) mismatch between constituent phases. High phase purity is also crucial for the determination of the intrinsic properties of the MAX phase ceramics. For example, the synthesis of phase-pure MAX phase ceramics in the Zr− Al−C system was found to be challenging, whereby the “best” Zr2AlC-based ceramics comprised 67 wt % Zr2AlC and 33 wt % ZrCx, while the “best” Zr3AlC2-based ceramics consisted of 61 wt % Zr3AlC2, 31 wt % ZrCx, and 8 wt % Al2Zr.22,23 In earlier work, (Zr,Ti)3AlC2 and (Zr,Ti)2AlC solid solution MAX phases were produced with the aim of improving the oxidation resistance of Zrn+1AlCn MAX phases.16,22,23 Unfortunately, these solid solution MAX phases had large amounts of competing phases, similar to the MAX phases produced in the Zr−Al−C system. Phase-pure Ti−Al−C based MAX phases, on the other hand, have already been reported in the literature.24−26 Recent work by Lapauw et al. illustrated the improvement of phase purity of Zr2AlC-based ceramics by partially substituting Zr with Nb, and Al with Sn; the produced double 211-type MAX phase solid solutions had the (Zr0.8,Nb0.2)2(Al0.5,Sn0.5)C stoichiometry and contained no rock-salt-like (Nb,Zr)C carbides.27 In their work on (Zr,Nb)2(Al,Sn)C double solid solutions,27 Lapauw et al. associated the improved phase purity

with crystal structure steric effects pertaining to the modification of specific lattice distortions due to the creation of solid solutions on both M and A sites in the Mn+1AXn phases. They showed that both Nb and Sn additions decreased the prismatic distortions in the crystal lattice, while the Sn addition increased the octahedral distortion. This steric approach proposed the selection of similar-sized M and A atoms to minimize the MAX phase lattice distortions, thereby increasing the phase purity of the produced MAX phase ceramics. Quaternary (Zr0.2,Nb0.8)2AlC28 and Zr2(Al0.2,Sn0.8)C29 MAX phase solid solutions have been experimentally synthesized, and mixing energies calculated by density functional theory (DFT) confirmed their stability.30 In the Zr−Ti−Al−Sn−C system, apart from the ternary phases Zr2AlC,22 Ti2AlC,31 Zr2SnC,31,32 and Ti2SnC,31 the quaternary solid solutions Ti 2 (Al,Sn)C, 33,34 (Zr,Ti) 2 AlC, 16 and Zr2(Al,Sn)C29 have already been reported. The present work investigated the effect of the partial substitution of Al by Sn in the (Zr,Ti)2AlC MAX phase solid solutions. This approach produced quasi phase-pure (Zr,Ti)2(Al,Sn)C double solid solution MAX phases. The present work also evaluated the effect of the composition and pressureless/pressure-assisted sintering conditions on phase purity. The resulting microstructure and crystal structure changes of the constituent phases were characterized and their CTEs were measured. The CTE values along the ⟨a⟩ and ⟨c⟩ directions, αa and αc respectively, were compared with those of Ti2AlC35−38 and Ti2SnC. Since no αa and αc data were available on the Ti2SnC compound, these CTE values were measured on powders from milled Ti2SnC single crystals.

2. EXPERIMENTAL SECTION 2.1. Material Synthesis. ZrH2 (99% purity, grade G, Chemetall, Germany), TiH2 (99% purity, grade V/M, Chemetall, Germany), Al (99% purity, AEE, United States), Sn ( 99% purity, AEE, United States), and C (99% purity, Asbury Graphite Mills, United States) powders were used as starting materials for MAX phase synthesis. Specifically, the 211 stoichiometry with a (Zr,Ti):(Al,Sn):C starting powder atomic ratio of 2:1.1:0.95 was targeted in this study. The excess Al and Sn were intended to compensate for the partial loss of molten Al/Sn during heating (i.e., Tm(Sn) ≈ 232 °C, Tm(Al) ≈ 660 °C). The substoichiometric C content was required to compensate for the inward diffusion of C from the graphite die/punch setup during sintering. The powders were dry mixed in a multidirectional mixer (Turbula type) in polyethylene bottles at 75 rpm for 48 h. Reactive hot pressing (RHP, W100/150-2200-50 LAX, FCT Systeme, Frankenblick, Germany) in vacuum (∼10 Pa) was used as reference sintering technology. In addition, four different production routes were studied, mainly to investigate their effect on phase purity, crystal structure changes, and lattice distortions. These routes differed in applied pressure (either during cold compaction, CC, or during sintering) and/or the sintering atmosphere, as summarized in Table 1. The 6670

DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.9b00065 Inorg. Chem. 2019, 58, 6669−6683


Inorganic Chemistry

Table 2. Constituent Phases of the (Zr,Ti)2(Al0.5,Sn0.5)C Ceramics as a Function of Composition and Synthesis Routea method RHP6/30 uniaxial cold pressing, 6 MPa during heating, 30 MPa during dwell, in vacuum

RHP30 uniaxial cold pressing, 30 MPa during dwell, in vacuum


uniaxial cold pressing, in vacuum


cold isostatic pressing, in vacuum


cold isostatic pressing, in argon

phase distribution (wt %) Ti (at. %)


binary carbide



0 30 50 70 100

77 98 >99 >99 >99

ZrC (8)

Al2Zr (15) Al2Zr (t.a.) Al2Zr (t.a.)

312 (2)

0 30 50 70 100

66 98 >99 >99 >99

ZrC (9)

0 10 30 50 70 90 100

81 94 99 >99 >99 >99 92

ZrC (7) ZrC (2)

Al2Zr (12) Al2Zr (4) Al2Zr (t.a.)

TiC (4)

Ti2Sn (t.a.)



ZrC (10)

Al2Zr (4), Al3Zr2 (t.a.), Sn3Ti5 (t.a.)

10 30 50 70 90 100

92 96 98 97 95 68

ZrC (8) ZrC (2) ZrC (1), TiC (t.a.) TiC (2) TiC (5) TiC (10)

0 10 30 50 70 90 100

64 84 90 84 86 89 98

ZrC (9) ZrC (5), TiC (2) ZrC (3), TiC (t.a.) TiC (3), ZrC (t.a.) TiC (3) TiC (3)

Sn (t.a.) 312 (25) Al3Zr2 (2) Al3Zr2 (t.a.) Sn (t.a.)

312 (2), Sn (2)

Ti2Sn (2) Ti2Sn (t.a.) Ti2Sn (t.a.) 312 (22) Al2Zr (2), SnZr3 (t.a.) Al2Zr (7), Ti2Sn (2) Ti2Sn (t.a.) Al3Zr2 (2) Ti2Sn (t.a.) Ti2Sn (t.a.), Sn3Ti5 (t.a.) Ti2Sn (t.a.)

Al2O3 (18), ZrO2 (7) 312 (2), Sn (5) Sn (10) 312 (t.a.), Sn (8) 312 (2), Sn (3) 312 (t.a.)

a Phase assembly determined by XRD Rietveld analysis, where the error in the refined weight percentages is estimated to be ∼1 wt %. Ceramics with a 211 phase content of ≥90 wt % are highlighted using bold characters; t.a. = trace amount. A limited solubility of Al/Sn and Ti/Zr pairs was estimated in the competing phases, but it was not taken into account during the Rietveld refinements.

nomenclature used throughout the text to refer to the different processing routes were as follows: “RHP” for ceramics produced by reactive hot pressing in vacuum, “Ar” for ceramics pressurelessly sintered in a high-temperature furnace (LINN-1800HT, LINN, Eschenfelden, Germany) under flowing argon (Ar, >99.998% purity, ≤3 ppm of H2O, ≤2 ppm of O), and “CIP” for ceramics cold isostatically pressed (CIP, EPSI, Temse, Belgium). The numerical part of the nomenclature indicates the applied pressure, i.e., “0” for pressureless sintering, “30” for 30 MPa applied during sintering only, and “6/30” for 6 MPa applied during heating, followed by 30 MPa applied during the dwell time. All sintering routes used a heating rate of 25 °C/min, a target temperature of 1450 °C and a dwell time of 30 min. The dimensions of the ceramics products were as follows: o.d. 30 mm, height ∼5 mm, for the RHP ceramics, and o.d. 10 mm, height ∼5 mm, for the CIP ceramics. Since an earlier study16 revealed relatively large quantities (∼60 wt %) of the (Zr,Ti)2AlC phase for a Zr:Ti atomic ratio of 30:70, this Zr:Ti ratio was initially kept constant to assess the influence of the Al:Sn atomic ratio, which varied from 100:0, 90:10, and 80:20 to 50:50 for the RHP0 route. An additional set of exploratory samples with a fixed Al:Sn ratio of 90:10 (relatively minor

Sn addition) was produced by RHP6/30 with Zr:Ti ratios of 100:0, 80:20, 50:50, and 70:30; this set was later used to study the gradual change in lattice distortions as a function of the Sn content. Powder batches with a 50:50 Al:Sn ratio, M:A:C ratio of 2:1.1:0.95, and Zr:Ti ratios of 100:0, 70:30, 50:50, 30:70, and 0:100 were reactive-sintered according to the RHP6/30 and RHP30 routes. Additionally, Zr:Ti ratios of 10:90 and 90:10 were pressurelessly sintered (RHP0, CIP/ RHP/0, and CIP/Ar/0), as summarized in Table 2. Single-phase Ti2SnC was synthesized as follows: first, single-crystal flakes were grown in a high-temperature solution, whereby equiatomic Sn and Ti concentrations (Sn:Ti = 1:1) were heated to 1800 °C in an Ar atmosphere and in a closed graphite crucible. Carbon was provided by high-temperature crucible wall dissolution. After 2 h at 1800 °C, the crucible was slowly cooled to 1000 °C in 5 days, before stopping the induction heating. Crystals with surface area up to 1 cm2 were extracted from the solidified flux by etching the latter in highly concentrated HCl. Powder was obtained by ball milling the Ti2SnC crystals. 2.2. Characterization. Phase identification was performed by Xray diffraction (XRD) in the 5−75° 2θ range with a step size of 0.02° and a time of 0.2 s per step, using Cu Kα radiation at 30 kV and 10 6671

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Figure 1. (a) XRD patterns of the (Zr0.3,Ti0.7)2(Al1−y,Sny)C with variable Sn content, y. (b) Simulated powder XRD patterns of Zr2AlC and Zr2SnC.22,43 XRD patterns of ceramics with variable Zr:Ti ratio synthesized by the RHP6/30 (c) and RHP0 (d) processing routes. The 211 MAX phase content, as obtained by Rietveld refinements, is indicated by blue characters. mA in a Bragg−Brentano geometry (Bruker D2 Phaser, BRUKER). Measurements were directly performed on the top surface of the ceramic discs, after grinding off the outer carbide layer. The XRD patterns were subjected to Rietveld refinement by means of the Materials Analysis Using Diffraction (MAUD) software.39 Density measurements were done based on the Archimedes principle. Lacquer was used to seal open porosity, thus preventing water penetration into the pores of the produced ceramics. The relative density of the ceramics was determined with respect to their theoretical density, which was calculated based on the amount and density of the constituent phases, as obtained by Rietveld refinements. Hardness measurements were performed with a Vickers indenter (FV700, Future-Tech Corp., Tokyo, Japan) with an indentation load of 5 N for 15 s on a polished surface. The reported value is the average and standard deviation of 10 indentations. For microstructural characterization, top surfaces of the samples were polished and examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM, Nova NanoSEM 450, FEI), using backscattered and secondary electron imaging. Electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD) measurements were performed to investigate the effect of applied pressure during sintering on the texture of the produced ceramics (Nova NanoLab 600 DualBeam, FEI, FIB/SEM equipped with an EBSD detector). The chemical composition of the constituent phases was determined by energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) both in the SEM and the transmission electron microscope (TEM). TEM samples were prepared using a focused ion beam (FIB, Nova NanoLab 600 DualBeam, FEI), using 30 kV Ga ions for milling and 5 kV Ga ions for cleaning. TEM examination was done on a JEOL

ARM200F Cs-corrected scanning transmission electron microscope (S/TEM), using selected area diffraction (SAED), bright field and high-angle annular dark field (HAADF) STEM imaging, and EDS mapping. For measuring the CTE of the produced ceramics, hightemperature transmission XRD measurements were done in the DIFFABS beamline at SOLEIL Synchrotron (Paris, France). Measurements on (Zr1−x,Tix)2(Al0.5,Sn0.5)C with x = 0, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 1 were done on ceramics that were pressurelessly sintered in vacuum in the hot press (RHP0 in Table 1). These sintered samples were crushed manually in a mortar and loaded into a o.d. 0.5 mm hole pierced in the central flattened section of a o.d. 1 mm PtRh10% heating wire.40 The confinement of a small powder quantity in such a small hole ensures temperature homogeneity. The heating rate was adjusted by manually controlling the current flowing through the PtRh10% wire; the current was calibrated with respect to the corresponding temperature in accordance to a calibration procedure using melting standards. This allowed for measuring in the transmission mode using a focused monochromatic parallel X-ray beam with an energy of 17 keV and a wavelength of 0.72932 Å. The diffracted signal was collected with a 2D XPAD detector in the 5−45° 2θ range. A high-purity Ar gas flow prevented excessive oxidation during heating. Measurements were collected from room temperature up to 1500 °C in steps of 100 °C and at a heating rate of 100 °C/min. The powder remained 2 min at each target temperature for data collection. The XRD patterns were subjected to Rietveld refinement using the MAUD software. 6672

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Figure 2. TEM/EDS elemental maps of RHP6/30 (Zr0.5,Ti0.5)2(Al0.5,Sn0.5)C revealing minor inclusions of Al2Zr and Al2O3 competing phases.

Figure 3. Backscattered electron detector images of the microstructure and porosity of (Zr0.7,Ti0.3)2(Al0.5,Sn0.5)C ceramics, as a function of the used processing route: (a) RHP6/30, (b) RHP30, (c) RHP0, (d) CIP/RHP/0, and (e) CIP/Ar/0. High-temperature XRD measurements for the determination of the CTE of Ti2SnC were performed on a Rigaku Smartlab setup equipped with an Anton Paar DHS1100 chamber with a graphite dome. XRD measurements were carried out under nitrogen (N2) atmosphere in a Bragg−Brentano geometry with a 1D detector with Cu Kα1 and Cu Kα2 in the 10−150° 2θ range. All XRD patterns were refined using the MAUD software. The refined parameters included the lattice cell parameters a and c, zM (i.e., M element z-coordinate in the M2AX unit cell), atomic occupancies for the Zr/Ti and Al/Sn sites, scale parameters and microstrain parameters using the Popa rules.41 Powder diffraction simulations were done by the POWDERCELL software.42

Zr intermetallics, such as Al2Zr and Al3Zr, significantly decreased from 39 to 8 wt % for a (Zr,Ti):(Al,Sn):C starting powder mixture of 2:1.2:0.95. Decreasing the content of A elements in the starting powder to 2:1.1:0.95 reduced the fraction of intermetallics below the XRD detection level. Due to the partial substitution of Al by Sn, the characteristic (002) and (004) MAX phase peaks lost most of their intensity, as illustrated by the theoretical powder diffraction simulation of the Zr2AlC and Zr2SnC in Figure 1b. In the XRD patterns of all produced ceramics, the 211 MAX phases were identified by the regular MAX phase crystal structure with a P63/mmc (No. 194) space group. Figure 1a shows XRD patterns of (Zr0.3,Ti0.7)2(Al1−y,Sny)C MAX phases as a function of the Sn content, y. With a fixed Sn content (y = 0.5) and overall (Zr,Ti): (Al,Sn):C starting powder mixture of 2:1.1:0.95, 211 MAX phases with various Zr:Ti ratios were successfully synthesized via all five investigated synthesis routes (Table 1). Parts c and d of Figure 1 show representative XRD patterns of

3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1. Synthesis of (Zr,Ti)2(Al0.5,Sn0.5)C MAX Phase Ceramics. The influence of the Sn:Al content on the phase purity of (Zr,Ti)2(Al1−y,Sny)C ceramics was initially investigated at a fixed Zr:Ti ratio of 30:70, using the RHP0 processing route. When the Sn content is increased from y = 0 to 0.5, the content of the competing (Zr,Ti)C carbide and Al− 6673

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Inorganic Chemistry

through the powder compact and mechanically activating the local formation of binary carbides. The ceramics sintered in Ar had a substantially lower phase purity than their vacuumsintered counterparts, except for the Ti2(Al0.5,Sn0.5)C compound. This could be associated with the fact that Ar trapped in the closed porosity prevented the elemental diffusion required for MAX phase formation; this hypothesis is supported by the large isolated bubbles/pores (o.d. 40−80 μm) observed in these ceramics. Moreover, approximately 18 wt % Al2O3 and 7 wt % ZrO2 (monoclinic) were found in the Zr2(Al0.5,Sn0.5)1.1C0.95 starting powder mixture sintered under Ar flow, indicating that this powder acted as a getter for the oxygen impurities (1, the c axis is under compression. The distortions calculated from a, c, and zM are affected by the constituent elements of the MAX phase compound, their atomic size, electronegativity, and the resultant interatomic distances. Since the radius of Ti (1.43 6676

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Figure 8. Lattice parameters a (a) and c (b) of (Zr1−x,Tix)2(Al0.5,Sn0.5)C as a function of the synthesis route. (c) Average relative z-coordinate values of the M atom in the 211 structure, zM, for all processing routes (the gray horizontal line marks the canonical zM position 0.0833). (d) Relative changes in the a and c lattice parameters, c/a ratio, and unit cell volume for RHP6/30 (Zr1−x,Tix)2(Al0.5,Sn0.5)C ceramics as a function of the Ti content, x. (e) Lattice parameters a and c as a function of the Sn content, y, in M2(Al1−y,Sny)C ceramics. The lattice parameter values corresponding to the ternary MAX phases (y = 0 and 1) were taken from the literature.22,35,50,51,53

elemental substitution, the zM coordinate of the solid solution approaches the canonical value (0.0833) (Figure 8c). The substitution on both M and A sites allows a steric match between M and A atoms, accompanied by an increase in c/a ratio that reduces the lattice distortions.53 The a, c and zM values obtained by Rietveld refinement analysis (see Figure 8 and Table S1 in the Supporting Information) were used to calculate the distortion values. Figure 9 is a plot of the

Å) is smaller than that of Zr (1.55 Å), a reduction in both a and c lattice parameters is expected as the average radius of the M element decreases with increasing Ti content in (Zr,Ti)2(Al,Sn)C MAX phases (Figure 8a−c). On the other hand, the average radius of the A element increases with the substitution of Al (1.25 Å) by Sn (1.45 Å), leading to an increase, primarily of the a lattice parameter (Figure 8e).56 As the average radius of the M and A atoms becomes similar by 6677

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Inorganic Chemistry

Figure 9. Lattice distortions Od (a), Pd (b), and Od/Pd ratio (c) for the RHP6/30 and RHP0 (Zr,Ti)2(Al0.5,Sn0.5)C grades as a function of the Ti content, x, along with literature reference values of the four ternary MAX phases (i.e., Zr2AlC, Zr2SnC, Ti2AlC, and Ti2SnC)22,27,51,53−55,57 and experimental data from the (Zr,Ti)2AlC16 and (Zr,Ti)2(Al0.9,Sn0.1)C grades. The green shaded areas represent the 211 ceramics with ≥90 wt % phase purity produced in this study.

measured and calculated Od and Pd values and the Od/Pd ratio for the RHP6/30 and RHP0 (Zr1−x,Tix)2(Al0.5,Sn0.5)C grades as a function of the Ti content, x, along with literature values for the four ternary MAX phases (Ti2AlC, Ti2SnC, Zr2AlC, and Zr2SnC) and experimental data from the (Zr,Ti)2AlC16 and (Zr,Ti)2(Al0.9,Sn0.1)C grades. The green shaded areas represent the 211 ceramics with ≥90 wt % phase purity (determined by XRD) produced in this study; in fact, these materials are also the only phase-pure ceramics ever produced in the Zr−Ti− Al−Sn−C system. All numerical values and literature data are presented in Figure S1 of the Supporting Information. All calculated Od and Pd values were >1, indicating compression along the c axis. Ti2SnC had the highest Ti6C Od distortion of 1.192, whereas Zr2AlC27 had the highest Zr6Al Pd distortion of 1.101. These values agree with the available literature data.22,53 The Ti2SnC distortion values found in the literature were not experimentally determined but calculated,51,53,55 and they were added to Figure 9 along with the values that were experimentally determined in this work. In general, increasing Ti (i.e., decreasing Zr) and increasing Sn (i.e., decreasing Al) increased Od. The distortion data of the RHP6/30 and RHP0 (Zr,Ti)2(Al0.5,Sn0.5)C grades were comparable. The Pd values evolved in the opposite manner, i.e., decreased with increasing both Ti and Sn, as shown in Figure 9b. Substituting Zr by Ti in the (Zr1−x,Tix)2(Al1−y,Sny) C stoichiometry increased Od and decreased Pd linearly with x. Similarly, substituting Al by Sn up to y = 0.5 increased Od and decreased Pd at constant x. The green shaded areas corresponding to near phase-pure MAX phases in parts a and b of Figure 9 are associated with lower Pd and higher Od values with an Od/Pd ratio very close to 1.00, as shown in Figure 9c. As expected, the solid solution compositions that are located between the end-members have intermediate distortion values. Whereas Od is smaller in Zrand Al-rich MAX phases, Pd values are smaller in Ti- and Snrich compounds. It is worthwhile noting that the lowest and highest values of the Od/Pd ratio belong to Zr2AlC and Ti2SnC, respectively (Figure 9c). While the synthesis of Zr2AlC produced a ceramic with 33 wt % competing phases (mainly ZrCx),22 Ti2SnC was synthesized almost phase-pure.45,58 Ti2SnC is typically accompanied by Sn minor inclusions that form preferentially at grain boundaries; in this study, Sn was

observed at grain boundaries in Ti2(Al0.5,Sn0.5)C ceramics sintered at 1450 °C. This sintering temperature is high for a Sn-containing MAX phase, considering that the melting point of Sn is very low (i.e., Tm(Sn) ≈ 232 °C) and previous studies reported Ti2SnC decomposition to TiC and Sn at 1250 °C.58 Some applications could benefit from a highly distorted (in Od) Ti2SnC with outward diffusing Sn, taking into account that Sn has been reported to have crack self-healing properties in vacuum.59 Similarly, crack-healing SnO2 is formed in air when kept at 800 °C for 1 h.60 The green shaded area in Figure 9c corresponds to compositions with an Od/Pd ≥ 1. Zr2SnC and Ti2AlC have an Od/Pd ≈ 1. These two ternary MAX phases can be produced phase-pure, as reported in literature,32,35 while Zr2AlC with Od/Pd ≪ 1 (low Od and high Pd) suffers mainly from the formation of a competing binary carbide,22 and Ti2SnC with Od/Pd ≫ 1 (high Od and low Pd) suffers from outward Sn diffusion and low-temperature degradation.45,58,61 Although the data discussed here only represent a small group of the MAX phase family in the Zr−Ti−Al−Sn−C system, it is clear that decreasing the prismatic distortion of the crystal lattice by substituting Zr by Ti and Al by Sn could be used as a guide for the production of phase-pure 211 MAX phases. The findings of this work support fully the original work of Lapauw et al.,27 where the aforementioned guidelines were proposed and experimentally validated in the Zr−Nb− Al−Sn−C system. The DFT investigation of Zr2(Al1−x,Bix)C solid solutions by Horlait et al. pointed out that the mixing enthalpy values were very similar for a range of compositions, even though only Zr2(Al0.42,Bi0.58)C could be experimentally synthesized.62 These authors have explained this by potential steric effects, as the c lattice parameter was at a maximum in the Zr2(Al0.42,Bi0.58)C compound. Although not calculated in their work, the increased c and c/a in this compound could have played a role in the formation of a less distorted and thus more stable MAX phase, indicating the potential link between lattice distortions and phase stability. 3.4. Thermal Expansion Coefficients (CTEs). Due to their anisotropic hexagonal crystal structure, the MAX phases are typically characterized by anisotropic thermal expansion, which might trigger microcracking in polycrystalline MAX phase-based ceramics with a nonoptimized microstructure. The synthesis of solid solutions could help to tailor the CTE 6678

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Figure 10. Changes in lattice parameters (a) a and (b) c as a function of temperature. Phase distribution in weight percentages as obtained by Rietveld refinements are given for (Zr1−x,Tix)2(Al0.5,Sn0.5)C samples with x equal to (c) 0, (d) 0.3, (e) 0.7, and (f) 1. Errors are estimated to be 1 wt %.

Figure 11. (a) Measured CTE data of the Ti2(Al0.5,Sn0.5)C and Ti2SnC compounds, and literature CTE values of the Ti2AlC and Ti2SnC ternary end-members.32,35−38 (b) αc/αa ratios of (Zr1−x,Tix)2(Al0.5,Sn0.5)C solid solutions and Zr2(Al0.5,Sn0.5)C and Ti2(Al0.5,Sn0.5)C end-members. (c) Lattice distortions Od and Pd for the (Zr1−x,Tix)2(Al0.5,Sn0.5)C solid solutions, as measured by XRD on RHP6/30 ceramics and plotted together with the αa and αc values (fitted by a polynomial function represented by the solid lines).


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(Zr1−x,Tix)2(Al0.5,Sn0.5)C solid solutions is higher than that of the Zr2(Al0.5,Sn0.5)C and Ti2(Al0.5,Sn0.5)C end-members. Both the αc and the αa for (Zr1−x,Tix)2(Al0.5,Sn0.5)C are low between x = 0.3 and x = 0.7 (Figure 11c). Due to the failure of the synchrotron measurements on (Zr0.5,Ti0.5)2(Al0.5,Sn0.5)C, presumably due to misalignment of the X-ray beam, no CTE data were obtained for this compound. Despite the fact that αc appears rather stable in (Zr1−x,Tix)2(Al0.5,Sn0.5)C phases with x up to 0.7, the αa clearly goes through a minimum between x = 0.3 and x = 0.5. The exact minimum cannot be defined due to the missing data point at x = 0.5 (Figure 11c). For all double solid solution samples, αc is larger than αa. The CTE data plotted as a function of composition in Figure 11c (numerical data and uncertainties given in Table S2 of the Supporting Information) cannot be fitted with a linear function. Despite the fact that lattice parameters c and a decreased linearly and the c/a ratio increased linearly with increasing Ti content, x, in (Zr1−x,Tix)2(Al0.5,Sn0.5)C (see Figure 8d), the CTEs did not evolve linearly as a function of the composition. In fact, it was found that the αa and αc values were better fitted with polynomial functions and were accompanied by Pd and Od with opposite trends as a function of the Ti content, x. The CTE minimum at x = 0.3, or in between x = 0.3 and 0.5, might be correlated with the opposite trends in Od and Pd, as a function of x, at Od/Pd ≈ 1 (see Figure 11c). This coincidence in trends suggests an effect of the MAX phase lattice distortions on the CTE values, as was also proposed in the literature but should still be confirmed.1 An earlier study addressing both distortion values and CTEs of Cr2(Alx,Ge1−x) C revealed that the CTE values of these solid solutions were between those of the Cr2AlC and Cr2GeC end-members.63 Although the CTE changes were linear in that system, the linear increase in αa and αc with increasing Ge content was accompanied by a linear increase in both Od and Pd values. Moreover, the CTE values in the (Crx−1,Vx)n+1AlCn system were reported to be between those of the end-members, but no zM parameters were provided to permit distortion calculations.64 For Ti2Al(C0.5,N0.5)35 and (Ti0.47,Nb0.53)2Al0.93C0.9437 MAX phase solid solutions, however, the CTE values were higher than those of the ternary end-members. On the contrary, the CTE values of Ti3(Al1−x,Six)C265 solid solutions were lower than those of the ternary end-members, similar to the system investigated here. This was confirmed in other studies and explained by a strengthening of the M−A bond.66,67 The aforementioned reduction in CTE was correlated to the increased strength of the Ti d−Si p and Ti d−Al p covalent bonds, which strengthened the interplanar cohesion between Ti and Al/Si layers due to the increased valence electron occupancy in the A layer. The effect of solid solution strengthening, as experimentally observed by an increased hardness and flexural strength in Ti3(Al1−x,Six)C2 up to x = 0.25, was presented as another confirmation of this bond strengthening that led to smaller CTE values.67 A similar hardness increase was also observed in the (Zr1−x,Tix)2(Al0.5,Sn0.5)C system (see Figure 5), a fact that might also indicate solid solution strengthening in this system. Another explanation for the nonlinear evolution of the CTE values can be found by comparing the thermal expansion behavior of mixed carbide systems to those of the respective MAX phases. Since all the measured ceramics in Figure 11c had the same Al/Sn content, it is meaningful to assign CTE

anisotropy of the MAX phases, as already reported for Cr2(Alx,Ge1−x)C ceramics, where an isotropic thermal expansion could be obtained for the Cr2(Al0.75,Ge0.25)C stoichiometry.63 The isotropic CTE of this particular solid solution can be attributed to the fact that the end-members have an opposite thermal expansion behavior in the a and c directions, i.e., Cr2GeC had a larger expansion in the c direction, whereas Cr2AlC had a larger expansion in the a direction. Unfortunately, the thermal expansion properties of Zr2AlC have not yet been reported, whereas to our knowledge only dilatometer-measured CTE data are available for Zr2SnC and Ti2SnC.32 The CTE of Ti2AlC is well studied and it is higher in the ⟨c⟩ direction than in the ⟨a⟩ direction, similar to most MAX phases.35,36,38 The temperature dependence of the lattice parameters, as obtained by synchrotron XRD, is presented in parts a and b of Figure 10. The a and c parameters expanded linearly with temperature, and the 211 phase fraction remained high (≥75 wt %) during heating of all samples (Figure 10c−f). Even though measurements were done under Ar atmosphere, limited oxidation was observed at temperatures around 600 °C and above 1100 °C for the x = 0.7 ceramic. Since the sample holder geometry did not enforce much constraints on the volume of the samples and the wt % of 211 phase remained high during measurements, the calculated CTEs are believed to be representative of the MAX phases tested. The linear fit for the lattice parameter evolution as a function of temperature for the (Zr1−x,Tix)2(Al0.5,Sn0.5)C system and Ti2SnC is given in Table S2 of the Supporting Information. The CTEs in the ⟨a⟩ and ⟨c⟩ directions, αa and αc, were calculated as follows: αa =

d(c(T )) d(a(T )) and αc = a 0 dT c 0 dT


whereas the mean CTE1 was calculated as follows: αav = (2αa + αc)/3


αa, αc, and α(dilatometer) data existing in literature for Ti2AlC and Ti2SnC are plotted in Figure 11a together with the respective experimental data obtained for Ti2SnC and Ti2(Al0.5,Sn0.5)C in this work. There is a noticeable discrepancy between the reported Ti2AlC CTE values. This could be attributed to large uncertainties on lattice parameters and temperature determination for such kinds of in situ measurements and/or to the processing route and the phase purity of each material grade. For example, for one of the data points reported in the literature, high-temperature XRD data for the αa and αc determination were collected from a phase-pure powder sample.38 In another study, however, CTE data were measured via neutron diffraction from a bulk material containing 38 ± 1 wt % Ti5Al2C3 (“523”), 32 ± 1 wt % Ti2AlC (“211”), 18 ± 1 wt % Ti3AlC2 (“312”), and 12 ± 1 wt % (Ti0.5,Al0.5)Al.36 According to Figure 11a, Ti2SnC is almost isotropic with a slightly higher αa (8.27 × 10−6 K−1) than αc (8.19 × 10−6 K−1), while these values were substantially lower than those determined by dilatometry (10.0 × 10−6 K−1).32 Although there is some deviation in the available literature data for Ti2AlC,35−38 it is safe to claim that the αc and, by extension, the αc/αa ratio of Ti2(Al1−y,Sny)C decrease with Sn addition. The αc/αa ratio values for the (Zr1−x,Tix)2(Al0.5,Sn0.5)C double solid solutions are plotted in Figure 11b, revealing that the thermal expansion anisotropy of the 6680

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approaching Od/Pd ≈ 1 by alloying with both Ti and Sn proved to be key in obtaining phase-pure (Zr1−x,Tix)2(Al1−y,Sny)C MAX phase ceramics. The αa and αc of Ti2SnC were determined to be 8.27 × 10−6 K−1 and 8.19 × 10−6 K−1, respectively, indicating an almost isotropic thermal expansion. The CTE of (Zr1−x,Tix)2(Al0.5,Sn0.5)C with x = 0, 0.3, 0.7, and 1 was higher in the c direction than in the a direction, and it evolved through a minimum around x = 0.3 to 0.5, resulting in a concomitant maximum in the αc/αa ratio. In support of the original work of Lapauw et al.,27 forming double solid solutions improved the phase purity of (Zr,Ti)2(Al0.5,Sn0.5)C MAX phase ceramics synthesized via different processing routes (with and without pressure). The synthesis of MAX phase ceramics with high phase purity is an important milestone in assessing the true potential of such innovative materials for nuclear fuel cladding applications by allowing the determination of intrinsic mechanical properties, compatibility with the coolant (corrosion, oxidation), and resistance to irradiation.

changes to the Ti/Zr substitution. Although no literature CTE data were found for the TiC−ZrC mixed carbide system, (Zr,Nb)C and (Ta,Hf)C mixed carbides showed lower CTE values than those of their binary counterparts.68 These two carbide systems show miscibility gaps, similar to the ZrC−TiC system. The lowest CTE values were reported for the (Zr0.6,Nb0.4)C and (Hf0.3,Ta0.7)C compositions.69 The reduced CTE values for the mixed carbides were attributed to a reduction in valence electrons, due to the localized electrons contributing to covalent bonding. This was confirmed in the same study by a maximum in the electrical resistivity of the samples with the lowest CTE. The CTE values of the (Zr0.55,Nb0.45)C and (Hf0.5,Ta0.5)C compositions, however, were higher and closer to those of the binary end-members. Although not investigated further in their work, such CTE value changes might be attributed to the frequently observed phase separation in mixed carbides, which is unlikely to occur inside a MAX phase. On the other hand, contradictory results also exist in literature. Another study on TaC−HfC reported a linear CTE change for the mixed carbides, with an increase in CTE from the HfC to the TaC end-member.69 In the light of the findings of this work and prior studies, it is believed that the lattice distortions, solid solution strengthening and thermal expansion behavior of the M6X building blocks of the MAX phases affect their overall thermal expansion behavior. More work on lattice distortion determination and CTE measurements on MAX phase solid solutions is required to unequivocally confirm this.


S Supporting Information *

The Supporting Information is available free of charge on the ACS Publications website at DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.9b00065. Numerical values of CTE, a, z, zM, Od, Pd, and Od/Pd of (Zr1−x,Tix)2(Al1−y,Sny)C MAX phases (PDF)

4. CONCLUSIONS Near phase-pure (>98%) (Zr1−x,Tix)2(Al0.5,Sn0.5)C double solid solution MAX phase ceramics with x = 0 to 1 were synthesized by reactive hot pressing under 30 MPa, as well as by pressureless sintering for 30 min at 1450 °C in vacuum. Sintering under vacuum gave better results, irrespective of the applied pressure, as compared to sintering in an Ar atmosphere. The hot pressed ceramics were fully densified, whereas the pressurelessly sintered ones had a residual porosity of up to ∼60%. XRD phase purity was achieved, while occasional Al2Zr, Ti2Sn, Al3Zr2 intermetallics, Al2O3 and (Zr,Ti)C carbides were identified by SEM as minor phases in the high-purity ceramics. The a and c lattice parameters and the relative z-coordinate of the M atom in the 211 structure, z M , of the (Zr1−x,Tix)2(Al0.5,Sn0.5)C ceramics decreased linearly with increasing the Ti content, x, following Vegard’s law and indicating a complete solid solubility of Zr and Ti at a fixed Al:Sn ratio of 50:50. Similarly, the lattice parameters of Zr2(Al0.5,Sn0.5)C and Ti2(Al0.5,Sn0.5)C followed Vegard’s law with respect to the Zr2AlC-Zr2SnC and Ti2AlC-Ti2SnC endmembers. The octahedral, Od, and prismatic, Pd, lattice distortions in the (Zr1−x,Tix)2(Al0.5,Sn0.5)C and (Zr1−x,Tix)2AlC solid solutions were calculated from experimental a, c, and zM data and were compared with those of ternary end-member data calculated from existing literature data. All 211 solid solution distortions fell within the boundaries of the four Zr2AlC, Ti2AlC, Zr2SnC, and Ti2SnC end-members. The most distorted lattices were found to be Zr2AlC (highest Pd) and Ti2SnC (highest Od). Adding Ti in the (Zr1−x,Tix)2(Al1−y,Sny) C system up to x = 1 increased Od and decreased Pd, both linearly; similarly adding Sn up to y = 0.5 increased Od and decreased Pd. Decreasing the trigonal distortion Pd and


Corresponding Author

*(B.T.) E-mail: [email protected] ORCID

Bensu Tunca: 0000-0001-8611-3636 Joke Hadermann: 0000-0002-1756-2566 Author Contributions

B.T. was the main author and conducted most of the experiments. T.L., coauthor, assisted in the experimental part. D.R.N., L.H., D.T., and R.D. contributed to the hightemperature synchrotron experiments. T.O. is recognized for conduction/supervision of Ti2SnC single-crystal production and high-temperature XRD measurements. R.D., J.H., J.V., and K.L. are recognized for supervision of the scientific work and revision of the manuscript. All authors have approved the final version of the manuscript. Notes

The authors declare no competing financial interest.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS H. Roussel and D. Pinek are acknowledged for the Ti2SnC single-crystal production and high-temperature XRD measurements performed at Grenoble INP-LMGP-CMTC. This research was funded partly by the European Atomic Energy Community’s (Euratom) Seventh Framework Programme FP7/2007-2013 under Grant Agreement No. 604862 (FP7MatISSE), and partly by the Euratom research and training programme 2014-2018 under Grant Agreement No. 740415 (H2020 IL TROVATORE). T.L. thanks the Agency for Innovation by Science and Technology (IWT), Flanders, Belgium, for Ph.D. Grant No. 131081. B.T. acknowledges the financial support of the SCK•CEN Academy for Nuclear 6681

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Science and Technology. All authors gratefully acknowledge Synchrotron SOLEIL for the allocated time at the DIFFABS beamline in association with Project 20161410 entitled “Investigation of (Zr−Ti)−Al-C MAX phases with in-situ high-temperature XRD” and the Hercules Foundation for Project AKUL/1319 (CombiS(T)EM).


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NOTE ADDED AFTER ASAP PUBLICATION This paper was published on the Web on May 2, 2019, with the number 85 in Table 2, column 4 in bold. The corrected version was reposted on May 3, 2019.


DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.9b00065 Inorg. Chem. 2019, 58, 6669−6683