Analysis of "industrial waste." A quantitative laboratory project

An open-ended project in which students work in small groups devise the best methods for analyzing aqueous wastes. Keywords (Audience):. Upper-Divisio...
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Donald R. Marshall, Noel L. Owen, and Allan E. Underhill DeDartment of Physical a n i ~ o l e c u l a rsciences University College of North Wales Bangw. Gwynedd. Great Britain


Analysis of "Industrial Waste'' A quantitative laboratory project

Wishing o u r s t u d e n t s to experience practical problems closely related to those found i n the chemical industry, we for second-vear have desiened a new lahoratorv oroiect " chemistry%ndergraduates at the University College of ~ & t h Wales. I n t h i s oroied.. which has now been i n o ~ e r a t i o nfor two years, t h e s t u d e n t s a t t e m p t to analyze quantitatively small a m o u n t s of organic and inorganic material in a prepared sample of "industrial waste." The work is in the form of an onen-ended nmiect . . of 40 hr duration. in which each student rvprrirnrrs the joys and fruatrntions a s s t n a t ~ d with aco-operative pruj~ct.'l'h?clas~ isdnided intogruupsd l,etuwn live and right +tudmtuandeach yroupmeets witha mcmberofstnff or a demonstrator, who assumes the role of secretary and general adviser to the group. The groups are told that they are to consider themselves a scientific team a t an industrial plant which processes waste aqueous liquors from a factory. The composition of the waste has to he cheeked neriadicallv toallow control of the treatment.and the^ task is to devise the best methods of analyring quantitatively the chemical ipecier prevent They are told which spccies are present, and they are gives a list of all the instruments and npparatus avarlatde in the department. They have to decide for themselves what methods to use, and they are encouraged to make full use of lihrary facilities and to discuss their prohlems amongst themselves and with members of staff. They also have to decide whether to split up the task between members of the moun. . . or to work collectivelv throuehout. At the end o i l he project each student produrrs a w i t t m arrounr of his