Applied Science Laboratories Inc. - Analytical ... - ACS Publications

May 23, 2012 - Applied Science Laboratories Inc. Anal. Chem. , 1969, 41 (3), pp 120A–120A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60272a813. Publication Date: March 1969...
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Four Supports That M a k e the Difference!

GAS-CHROM Ρ, 1 0 0 / 1 2 0 mesh with 10 wt. % EGSS-X. Column: 6 ft. χ 4 mm glass U-tube. Temperature: 1 8 0 ° C . Compounds separated (percentage in mix­ ture given in parens.): 1 . Methyl Myristate ( 1 % ) ; 2 . Methyl Palmitate ( 4 % ) ; 3. Methyl Stéarate ( 3 % ) ; 4. Methyl Oleate ( 4 5 % , peak attenuated to prevent going off scale); 5. Methyl Linoleate ( 1 5 % ) ; 6. Methyl Arachidate ( 3 % ) ; 7. Methyl Linolenate ( 3 % ) ; 8. Methyl Behenate ( 3 % ) ; 9. Methyl Erucate ( 2 0 % ) ; 10. Methyl Lignocerate ( 3 % ) . This mixture (F & OR Mixture No. 3) and EGSS-X are available from Applied Science.

Never underestimate the power of your support. It can make the difference between a good and poor gas chromatographic separation. For several years our GAS-CHROM S, A , Ρ, Ζ supports have consistently given better results. All four are made f r o m the same top-grade diatomite; they differ only in their treatment. GAS-CHROM S is non-acid washed, GAS-CHROM A is acid washed, GAS-CHROM Ρ is acid and base washed, and GAS-CHROM Ζ is acid washed and treated w i t h dimethyldichlorosilane. Note the chromatogram above,· methyl esters of 10 fatty acids, ranging f r o m C14 to C24, have been separated on a single column. It's just one example of the analyses you can achieve w i t h GAS-CHROM S, Α , Ρ, Ζ. Prices and mesh sizes are given in our 1969 Catalog No. 12. For more details ask for Bulletin No. 18.

The EM8 ultra-high resolution electron microscope derives its high resolution characteristic from an objective lens by combining a very short focal length with coefficients of spherical and chro­ matic aberration significantly less than 1 mm. These features coupled with a fully corrected lens system and very stable power supplies, assure reliable attainment of 3Λ point-to-point resolu­ tion or better. The standard specimen chamber in the EM8 accepts up to six specimens at one loading and the vacuum is maintained during examina­ tion of all six samples. Specimen han­ dling facilities include a full resolution tilting stage and a serial section stage. Picker Nuclear, 1275 Mamaroneck Ave., White Plains, Ν. Υ. 10605 407

Laboratory Press

A 25-ton hydraulic ring press for preparing samples for spectrophotometrie analysis is available. Model 00-25 press will accommodate most KBr, X-ray, and other dies in the prep­ aration of laboratory specimens. Quick and continuous adjustment between compression surfaces and accessibility from all sides are among the features. Damage to specimens is prevented by means of a pressure relief valve which allows maximum pressure to be regu­ lated at any given point from 0 to 25 tons. Beckman Instruments, Inc., 2500 Harbor Blvd., Fullerton, Calif. 92634 408

Analytical Balance WRITE FOR OUR 1969 CATALOG #12

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120 A ·


Type SNC 1000 has a capacity of 1,000 grams with a sensitivity of 0.1 mg. Reproducibility of this kilogram balance is ±0.08 mg. Wm. Ainsworth, Inc., 2151 Lawrence St., Denver, Colo. 80205 409