Aziridine Aldehydes as Reagents for Rapid and Chemoselective Synthesis of Complex Molecules Monday, March 28, 2011 Live webinar onsite at the ACS National Meeting in Anaheim, CA USA: 2:00 p.m. EDT / 1:00 p.m. CDT / 11:00 a.m. PDT Europe: 20:00 CET / 19:00 BST Overview: )∃&∃ ∀∃ )∀∃&%∃ ∀ %!# ! ∃∀ %#&∀ ∀∃#)∃## & ∃∀# ∀∃ #! ∃∀∗∀)∀∃#∀∃)& ! %∀& %#%∃ #∀%∃&∃ ∗∀∃ # ))#)∃##!!∃ ∃∃ #∋# #∃!##∃ !( ∀∋ ∀# !∀∃%∀##∃∃) ∋∃∋! ∃∀∀∃##∃∃ ∃ ∃∀ !(∀ )!!∃# ∃∀∀#∃∀%∃%∀# %∃ ∀ !∀%∀# ∀#∋∀ ∀ ) #∃∀%∃%∀# #∃! !∀ ##∃)! ∃∀ ∗∀)# ∃∀ ∃# #%#% ∀#∃∃## %∗ ∀ %!# ∀∃ ∃% #%#∃∃%∃#∀∃ ∀! ∀ ∃ ∃ )!!∃∀∋ ∀#∃ ∃#∃ #)∃###∋∀ ∋# ∋# %∀∀∃&# ∃#
Who Should Attend? +∀#∃# +#∃# +!∃#∃# +
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Speaker: Dr. Andrei K. Yudin Davenport Research Laboratories Chemistry Department, University of Toronto Moderator: %∀ % !%∃)∃ ∀
Webinar will cover: ! # ∀∀∗)
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