BOOH REVIEWS Computer-Aided lnstructlon for General Chemistry William M. Butler and Raymond L. Hough, John Wiley B Sons, 605 Third Avenue. New York. NY 10158. Hardware: Apple II. 11+ and Appleson in ROM and RAM. 48K Commodore 64 with PET emulator; Commodore 4000 series (with 4040 and 2031 drives only): 8000 series. Software: 4.0 or 3.0 BASIC Apple: 4 disks. Cwnmodae: 2 disks. Level and Subject: General chemistry Cosl: $325 SUMMARY RATINGS Categwy Ease of Use Subject
Redewer 11 Excellent
Reviewer I
content Pedagogic value Student reaction ........ .
'Computer-Aided Instruction fur General Chemistry'' (asupplied for the Cummudore PET 4(100Series) is a two-disk package consisting of 20 programs on topks taught in mast introductory courses in Chemistry. Each oroeram . " is subdivided into sinele concept areas. There is a tom1 of ninety-eight suvh rertiuns. The dcrumentation cwrirt* of ovprall hehavioml objenives, wpic oh~rclives. and a brief synopsis of each single concept area. The package contains a complete set of programs. The programs are aimed at the average colleee student and could nossiblv be used for mri