EVIDENCE OF THE SUPERIORITY OF CAUSTIC CLEANIN6 FORMULATIONS PFIZER CONTAINING 6LUC0N ATES ! If you compound caustic washing or cleaning formulations, you should put Pfizer Gluconates on trial in your formulas. Judge for yourself the economy and superiorities of caustic-gluconate formulations. Overwhelming evidence also shows that Pfizer Gluconates are stable, both in storage and in use, in caustic compounds.
ONE SPARKLING CLEAN BOTTLE —The inclusion of Pfizer Gluconates in your formula will assure bottling customers of a c o m pound which will give spotless results. Pfizer Gluconates have proven to be the product of choice for preventing formation of film on bottles and scale on equipment.
ONE BRIGHT STRIP OF ALUMINUM —Pfizer Gluconates in your aluminum etching compounds prevent the formation of hard, adherent scale. Both Sodium Gluconate and Gluconic Acid increase caustic efficiency—you use less in your compounds yet assure your customers of a more uniform etch.
ONE DE-RUSTED BOLT-Superior caustic rust removal compounds are now possible through the i n clusion of Pfizer Gluconic Acid or Sodium Gluconate. In caustic solutions Pfizer Gluconates d i s solve rust and prevent after-rust while increasing the efficiency and prolonging the life of the bath.
ONE SHINY PIECE OF S T E E L Pfizer Sodium Gluconate and Gluconic Acid improve the effectiveness of your caustic paint stripping compounds by eliminating the usual brown layer of iron hydroxide. Also they permit freer rinsing of the paint-stripped metal.
The verdict is unanimous-Pîizer Gluconic Acid and Sodium Gluconate assure you of compounds with the highest cleaning and etching efficiency. Write Pfizer for complete technical data and information on the proper Gluconate use levels,
CHAS.PFtZER & CO., INC., Chemical Sales Division, 630 Flushing Ave., Brooklyn 6, N.Y. Branch Offices: Clifton, N. J.; Chicago. 111.: San Francisco, Calif.; Vernon, Calif.; Atlanta, Ga.; Dallas,Tex.