Nov 5, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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CORROSION PREVENTED with SOLVAY SODIUM NITRITE With a low and economical con­ centration of Solvay® Sodium Nitrite you can prevent corrosion in circulating water systems, on metal parts in process and on raw sheets, tubes or bars in storage. The corrosive attack on the pipe at the left, above, is the result of plain water. The pipe on the right was subjected to identical condi­ tions except that the water con­ tained 500 ppm of sodium nitrite.

Solvay Sodium Nitrite works to halt or prevent corrosion by form­ ing an invisible oxide coating on metal surfaces. I t is effective with iron and steel and has been re­ ported to suppress the degrada­ tion of aluminum, tin, monel, copper and brass. I t is non-toxic in the concentrations normally

used to prevent corrosion. Our booklet, "Sodium Nitrite for Rust and Corrosion Preven­ tion/* gives details on h o w sodium nitrite, alone or in combination with other materials, prevents cor­ rosion in a wide variety of applica­ tions. Write for your free* copy today. •Ια western hemisphere countries o n l y .



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