Wilbur D. Moore New
Dillard University Orleans, Louisiana
A Water Aspirator Hood
In experiments where noxious gases are given off, the problem of suitable hood space causes many inconveniences and delays. Since many of these gases are water soluble, a hood was devised as shown in the diagram which makes it possible to dissolve the gas in water. T h e megaphone type funnel was constructed from cardboard measuring 25 centimeters in length with a diameter of 16 centimeters a t the large end. The small end of the funnel is adjusted to fit snugly around a number six cork stopper. The cork stopper is fitted with a piece of glass tubing about five centimeters long. Ordinary Scotch tape was used to seal the funnel and hold the stopper in place. The funnel is placed over the source of the gas a t a workable height. A Tygou hose connects the funnel to a water aspirator. The hood was devised for use in the general chemistry laboratory where the problem of hood space is most acute.
, , , A water arpirmtor hood.
36, Number 8, August 1959