MMBHIIIMMfnirf'ttMmm r ^ ™ FOR YOU |||:. FROM AMOCO
Building your product for action? Build it with
Design durability, impact resistance and toughness into your action products— with the type of polyesters used in this bowling ball. They're based on AMOCO IPA (Isophthalic Acid). They'll resist cracking, fracture, crazing... and provide better tensile and flex strength, too. Take a look around. You'll find AMOCO IPA in car bodies, snowmobiles, golf carts, surfboards. Even in petroleum storage tank linings where the chemical resistance of IPA polyesters makes them especially valuable. Interested? Ask your resin supplier about AMOCO IPA. Or write to us. Amoco Chemicals Corporation, Dept. 8 9 3 8 - 1 , 130 E. Randolph Dr., Chicago, III. 6 0 6 0 1 .