Celanese 25-million lb. production capacity for 1, 3 - B U T Y L E N E GLYCOL gives the process industry its first volume source of supply
Now, there's enough of this versatile diol to meet your needs—promptly and economically! Celanese 1,3-butylene glycol has many advantages in many applications. Its longer chain length and molecular configuration open new possibilities for producers of plasticizers, of alkyds, polyesters, and polyurethanes. This glycol, like other Celanese glycols, is now available in tank cars, compartmented cars, and drums. Write for technical data, outlining your application, to: Celanese Chemical Company, Dept. 654C, 180 Madison Avenue, New York 16, N. Y. Celanese® Celanese Chemical Company i9 a Division of Celanese Corporation of America. Canadian Affiliate: Canadian Chemical Company Limited, Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver. Export Sales: Amcel Co., Inc., and Pan Amcel Co., Inc., 180 Madison Avenue, New York 16.