ChemNMR Name=Sttuct
Chemical Structure D r a w i n g Standard The standard achieves the ultimate ChemDraw Pro, the most popular chemical drawing package in the world, boosts your productivity even more with new features in Version 5.0. Draw publication-quality structures and reactions. Publish in print using a wide range of style templates and file formats, or on the Web using the ChemDraw Plugin. Create precise database queries by specifying atom and b o n d properties and using automatic reaction mapping. Display spectra, structures, and annotations on the same page. Use ChemDraw's structure cleanup and chemical intelligence to draw accurate, chemically correct struc tures and reaction diagrams.
ChemDraw ChemDraw
Ultra adds ChemNMR, ChemProp, Name=Struet, and Ultra Beilstein's AutoNom to ChemDraw Pro. Estimate physical properties and N M R spectra from a ChemDraw structure. Create structures from chemical names and c o m m o n names, and get IUPAC names for structures. Programmers, use the SDK to operate ChemDraw from other programs. C f e r f t o w Si (Ufecoj 3^5 'te-® $ "Ό 0 3®§>
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