Chemtura. Value is our strongest additive:
Synton* PAOs Lowinox* antioxidants Naugalube* ADPA antioxidants Kemester* 2000 lubricant additive Petronate* calcium sulfonate detergent
I Reofos* flame retardants Lowilite* UV stabilizers Royalene* EPDM
| Witcobond* coatings | Sodium Hydrosulfide
Sodium Stearate C-7
Anox' NDB" antioxidants
AdipreneWibrathane* urethanes
Flexzone* antiozonants
In products. In performance. In everything we do. Chemtura adds value through our more than 4,000 products. When Crompton and Great Lakes combined to form Chemtura, we not only wanted to assemble a broad product portfolio; we also wanted to bring more resources - and value to our customers. Value. You'll see it when our petroleum additives push performance higher. You'll see it in your car's weatherseal as it stays tight longer. You'll even see it in your sparkling pool and taste it in your fresh vegetables. Above all, you'll appreciate
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| Mark OBS* stabilizers | Comite* miticide Super Refined DPA BioGuard* water additives
Acramite* miticide Procure" fungicide PolywefWTC-6512 Witcobond'A-100 Vitavax* seed treatment
it in the level of experience and focus that our technical service experts bring to our customers'applications. Our products enhance value in many markets, including automotive, construction, consumer, industrial and agriculture. Please visit to see how we can add value to your business.