Developing an administrative team

ordinate his own ambitions to the suc- cessful functioning of the team. Many examples can be cited of men with average ability who have been highly su...
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Developing an administrative team

by W. A. Miller ERSONS

in administrative


P tions find that one of the objec-

such a program could be successful if it were not so.

tives most difficult to achieve is development of real team spirit among Discussion groups the personnel of any organization, SO After the introductory meeting, that each individual is milling to sub- those in the program were divided into ordinate his own ambitions to the suc- discussion groups of about 20, which cessful functioning of the team. met twice a month. At the first Many examples can be cited of men meetings, an outside counselor conwith average ability who have been ducted inspirational conferences in highly successful because they have which the program was further exworked well with other people, and of plained. During these meetings the more brilliant men who have gone importance of a good balance between down to failure because they could not the four areas of life was emphasized, cooperate. Few people are working and the importance of the “CAKE” t o their full capacity, owing to de- formula was stressed. This formula fects in their personalities. Pride, is: Character Attitudes Knowlworry, fear, jealousy, resentment, edge Energy = Growth and and other negative factors interfere Achievement. with their successful relationships with At this point, the individual memothers. bers of the group were given a mutual For the purpose of welding the rating by other participants who were organization into a better team, a well enough acquainted with them to program designed to help the indi- do so. About 25 points relating to vidual was introduced by an outside each one’s personal characteristics, counselor. This program recognizes work habits, and quality of leadership that there are four main areas in a were covered. These ratings were man’s life-work, home, play, and turned over to an outside counselor faith. I n order to be successful a t and kept confidential, to be used by work, a person first must be convinced him in a later private interview, in of the importance of forming good which each individual was advised of habits, not just in the work area, but his weak points and counseled as to in the other three areas as well. how to overcome them. The mutual Secondly, he has to learn to recognize ratings are conducted about once a his weaknesses. Thirdly, after he has learned to recognize them, he has to get rid of his negative habits, and Our columnist this month is W. A. Miller, Sherwin-Williams’ general then to replace them with positive manager of Chicago operations. Mr. ones. Miller is a chemical engineering graduate of the University of MichiThe actual program which has been gan, and, except for Army service in undertaken to accomplish this is as World War I, has spent all of his industrial life since March 1917 with follows: I n 1949, about 50 of our top Sherwin-Williams. Starting out in administrative group were called tothe plant laboratory at Chicago, he gether, the counselor explained the advanced through positions of assistant superintendent and superinprogram to them, and they were then tendent of plant departments, and asked if they would be interested. general plant superintendent, to his present position. He has had more All but one responded favorably. The than ample opportunity to observe program \vas started with this group. what factors make administrative teams work, and describes a formal Today, there are nearly 200 in it. and program in development of adit will probably be expanded further. ministrative teams which has been Participation in the program is encarried on recently by his company. tirely voluntary. It is doubtful that


November 1955



year, and indicate what progress the individual is making. Following the ratings, the groups were started on the exploration of personal impediments to growth, known as “roadblocks.” At this time, the leadership of the group was taken over by three members, known as the “steering committee.” The steering committees of the various discussion groups attempt to guide the group into profitable channels. The discussions are led by one of the members of the group. No attempt has been made to divide the groups according to occupation levels. With the exception of the top administrative group, as the program progressed, the groups were shuffled in order to get people with similar interests together, thereby promoting better discussions. This was done to eliminate any possibility of limiting free discussion because of the presence of top-level executives. As the program developed and the participants became better acquainted, the discussions became less general and much more personal, as the individuals felt freer to reveal their true thoughts. Inspirational meetings

I n addition to the discussion groups, inspirational meetings were conducted a t a general conference held twice a year a t Green Lake, Wis. About 15% of our group attend each conference, so that every individual has attended a conference every three years. At this conference, outstanding speakers are presented, and an opportunity is given for all to participate in conference groups with people from other companies. This experience is tremendously inspiring, and sets the tone for the whole program. Periodic meetings of an inspirational and informative nature have been held for the steering committee members on whom the success of the program depends to a large extent.


87 A


Plant Management Outside reading


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88 A

An important part of the program is the outside reading. Each member is furnished with a subscription to the magazine Democracy in Action, and a library of recommended reading material is made available to the members. These books are of great variety to suit all tastes, and are selected with the idea of inspiring the individual to maintain a discipline which will help him correct personality defects.

The foregoing explanation is an attempt to give some idea as to what the program is. The important thing is the results. Of necessity, much that is accomplished is intangible, and therefore subject to considerable question. However, it can safely be said that there have been a few individuals whose lives have been changed; there are many mho have been materially affected; and there are some on whom it has had little or no effect. The only possible danger that might arise from such a program is that some individuals might lose some of their driving force. That has not been apparent in our plant. I n fact, if the individual thoroughly understands the principles of the program, he should be able to increase his driving force by an attitude and methods which get things done much faster and better than can be done with a sledge hammer technique. The better teamwork which it was hoped to attain is very much in evidence in the improved cooperation between departments. The willingness to help the other fellow is much more in evidence. Things appear to be done faster and easier. There is much less friction and job jealousy than formerly. These changes are not just wishful thinking on the part of those interested in the program. They have been recognized by many people not directly involved in the program, such as the sales group whom we serve. Their reaction can best be expressed by a remark made by one of our branch managers who is located some dis. tance from the plant, and who knew nothing of the program. He said, “What has come over the plant lately -everybody is so accommodating?” Correspondence concerning this column will be forwarded if addressed t o the author, % Editor, INDUSTRIAL

88 A on Readers’ Service Card, page 111 A





St., N.W., Washington 6, D. C.

Vol. 47, No. 11

For further information, circle number 89 A on Readers’ Service Card, page 111 A




