DIFFCSION KISETICS OF' XETHYL RADICAL COMBINATIOX IN THE TIEItMAL DECOJlI'OSITION OF ACETYL PEROXIDE AT HIGH PRESSUItES' BY THOMAS C. VOCT,JR., AXD WILLIAM 11. I ~ A J I I L L Department of Cheinistry and the Xadialion I d o r a t m y , Univervity of iyutse Dame, n'otre Dame, Iruiiartu Received July 13, 106%
The theriniil decomposition of acetyl peroside in 3-metliylpcntnne st 80" .as s function of iodine concentration has kwi meusured at 1, 2000, ;Kid 5000 stm. The efficiency of geminato combination of methyl rndicnls, bused upon 2C~Ib/C03rind corrected for methyl acetate formation, indicates that initial C H I . . CIiDseparation and inem free diffusive diqhcement decrease with increasing pressure.
Introduction Since the first observation and description by Roy, Williams, and IIamillZ of the effect of added scavenger upon the diffusion controlled recombination of geminate atom-free radical pairs following neutron capture, similar phenomena havc been observed for thermal d e oomposition,a~4 photolysis,5-8 and radiolysis.9 130th Xoycs10 and Xlonchickll have since considered the t hrory of solute intervention in diffusion cboiitrolled rewtions. We shall use our previous description, for the sake of continuity with earlier ~ o r k . ~For - ~ an identical r d i r a l pair, the prohability of geminal e rtcombination IV a t infirlitc time is givcn by
for reaction probability Pi, su1)ject to intervention hy scavcngcr a t mole fraction X with reaction probability I'z per encounter. The mran initial scparation of the free rndical pair is P and thc mean diffusive displacw ment i, both normalized to the radical diametcr. A study of the change in quantum yield a(I12) from hydrogen iodide dissolved in a hydrocarbon, over a wide range of temperature, explained in terms of the dependence of t and i upon the temperature-dependent free volume of tho solvent, assuming ZJ1 and 1'2 to he independent of tempernture.6 It is clearly drsirable to re-examinc the effect upon f and P of variation of ihc free volume isothermally. As a matter of convenience we chose to study thc effect of pressure upon the thermal decomposition of acetyl peroxide sinw it previously was shown that the rcaction is suitable for a study of diffusion k i n ~ t i c s . ~'l'hcre is good evidence for the following mechanism, with iodine as free radical scavenger
(CII,@O2)2+ (CII,CO:!
(cIr,co,+ CII~COJ-+ (CII3 (CIIX
(C'II~ CII,)
+ CH3)
+ CIIaCO2)
+ !?c'oz + cIT3)