lit i f raig@spm©ii*i© P0LY©L1FIH CATALYSTS FIRST in Service:
W e believe we have the broadest experience and most complete
service available to users or potential users of Stereospecific Catalysts, and invite your inquiries for further information about our services in this area.
OST in Chlorides: MOST TiCl3
Commercial production, high-purity anhydrous product in four grades
Commercial production
Commercial production
Developmental quantities
VC1 4
Developmental quantities
Developmental quantities Other Metal Halides—Developmental quantities
MOST in Metal-Organics: A l u m i n u m Alkyls: TEAL,TIBAL (triethylaluminum and triisobutylaluminum) and other alkyl aluminum chlorides and hydrides are sold by us exclusively as sales agents for Texas Alkyls, Inc., the country's largest commercial producer by the Ziegler process. L i t h i u m Alkyls: Now in developmental production of n-butyl lithium and other lithium alkyls. Boron Alkyls: Now producing developmental quantities of triethyl borane. Other Metal Alkyls: W e have expanded our research program on new metal alkyls and metal-organics.
Inquiry will bring you technical bulletins on the above products and a detailed catalog showing specifications of more than 350 metal-organics and research chemicals available in ampules to tank-car quantities.
STAUFFER CHEMICAL COMPANY Anderson Chemical Division, Weston, Mich. 380 Madison Avenue, New York 17, New York Prudential Plaza, Chicago 1, III. • 824 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles 17, Cal.