It's nke to have a big friend. Methanol is big business for Celanese. And we're getting bigger. From the nearly 400 million gallon capacity at our two Gulf Coast plants to our multimillion gallon foreign ventures in Canada and Saudi Arabia ... we're gearing up to tackle the world's methanol demand with an annual capacity of over 800 million gallons. We've been a major factor in domestic methanol production for the
past 35 years. Our economical and efficient low pressure technology has made us an industry leader. Nine storage and shipping points, dedicated tankers and barges, and a companyowned fleet of tank cars assure you of all the methanol you need—when and where you need it. And now our worldscale growth to satisfy the
burgeoning methanol market is proof of our commitment. Whether you're into one of the established markets for methanol or you're considering one of its exciting new uses, contact Celanese. We're the big friend you can depend on. Call us at 214-689-4841 or write, Celanese Chemical Company, Inc., Suite 5062, 1250 West Mockingbird Lane, Dallas, Texas 75247.
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