It's not just another formaldehyde.
PARAFORMALDEHYDE is α free-flowing, white, solid form of formaldehyde with a 91% assay containing only 9% water. It offers several advantages over aqueous solutions: higher yields per batch, shorter processing time, process energy savings,
reduction or elimination of effluent, excellent storage stability and long term availability. We are now able to provide a continuing supply of PARAFORMALDEHYDE for all of your needs. If you require technical information, assistance or samples to aid you in
evaluating PARAFORMALDEHYDE in your pa rticu la r end-use application, please contact us:CelaneseChemicalCompany Dept. 2038, 1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York 10036. £ $ CELANESE CHEMICAL COMPANY
Cdanese...therës no substituteforexperience. CIRCLE 22 O N