QCI thinks small so you can think BIG
When you're ready to produce initial quantities of your fine or pharmaceutical chemical, call the experts at QCI. With reactor sizes up to 50 liters, state-of-the-art equipment, an experienced staff, and a quick turnaround time, the QCI kilo lab sets the industry standard for manufacturing small-scale
quantities. Ifs the best place to get the product in your hands. And when you're ready to move to the next level, QCI also offers the scale-up expertise and equipment to take your successful product all the way to full commercial production. The QCI kilo lab. It's a big idea in thinking small.
QCI A ChemFirst Company Call (601) 949-0293 or fax to (601) 949-0264 · Web Site:http://www.chemfirst.com/qci/ qci_home.html CIRCLE 4 4 ON READER SERVICE CARD