QO THF and QO THFA Uncommon solvents with a lot in common:
Water Miscible
Strong Solvents
Permissible under Rule 66
QO Tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol (THFA) and QO tetrahydrofuran (THF) are excellent sol vents possessing a number of unusual proper ties. QO THFA enjoys a history of successful applications in the plastic, textile, leather, paint and varnish industries. QO THF was intro
duced to meet needs in coatings, film casting and adhesives. Both chemicals offer users solu tions to special solvent problems. More specific data is available in Bulletin 148 (QO T H F ) a n d B u l l e t i n 2 0 6 - A (QOTHFA).
Another example of products with potential from: The Quaker Oafs Company
The Quaker O^fs (bmpany CHEMICALS DIVISION
333M The Merchandise Mart, Chicago, III. 60654
NEW YORK: Room 533M, 30 E. 42nd St., New York 10017 CALIFORNIA: Room 433M, 45 Quail Ct., Walnut Creek 94596 OHIO: 20575 Center Ridge Rd.f Cleveland 44116 UNITED KINGDOM: Quaker Oats Ltd., Bridge Rd., Southall, Eng. EUROPE: Quaker Furans N.V., P.O. Box 175, Antwerp 1, Bel.