Better than ± 1% differential linearity over the entire analyzed spectrum. Better than ± 0.5% of full scale integral (independent) linearity over the entire analyzer range. STABILITY
Less than 0.4% of full scale base line shift (up to 60,000 counts per second). Less than 0.2% of full scale gain shift for ± 10% line voltage change. Amplifier recovers to within 1% of full scale within 2o>s after a 500 times overload. FLEXIBILITY
Accepts a wide variety of input waveshapes, ranging from 0.3 /us to 50MS rise time, with exponential decay from 25 to more than 100 μβ. Input Amplitudes: Input voltage (full scale) 10 millivolts; external amplifier input 5 to 60 volts (full scale). Log Energy Conversion: A pulse is stored in channel N, where Ν equals In energy. Memory Sub-Groups: Nonde structive transfer of data from one half of the memory to the other. Subgroups . of 64, 128, or 256 channels, with 1 χ 10° counts per channel capacity. L i n e a r / L o g Live D i s p l a y : Dynamic display of data being accumulated on self-contained oscilloscope. Either linear or loga rithmic (number of counts) can be displayed or recorded. Preset Controls: Any two most significant digits (counts or time) from 1 to 990,000 can be preset. Precise H. V. Supply: 300 to 3000 volts at 3ma supplied by analyzer. Positive or negative out put can be selected.
Complete specifications covering 256/512 Channel Analyzer-Sealer, or any of our complete line of detection and analysis instruments supplied on request. Write:
5120 West Grove Street, Skokie, Illinois, U.S.A., TWX: 9675150, Cable Address: RACOLAB Circle No. 173 on Readers' Service Card
/Phone YOrktown 6-8700