THE MELTING POINT OF NEO-C5F12 - Journal of the American

THE MELTING POINT OF NEO-C5F12. R. D. Dresdner. J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 1956, 78 (4), pp 876–876. DOI: 10.1021/ja01585a047. Publication Date: February ...
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Vol. 78


Chemical Center, Md. Appreciation is expressed to Drs. F. W. Hoffman and T. C. Simmons of the I n a recent publication1 the preparation and Chemical and Radiological Laboratories of A.C.C. detection of neo-CSF12in a mixture of Cf,Fl2 isomers for making the NMR analyses possible. The was reported. The detection of the neo-C~F12 work in this laboratory was supported by the was made with the aid of nuclear magnetic reso- Chemistry Branch of the Office of Naval Research nance analysis. When the mixture of C5F12 isomers under contract Nonr 580(03) ; 333-356. was being removed from the sample tube in which FLUORIKE RESEARCH LABORATORIES OF CHEMICAL EXGINEERING the analysis was performed, i t was noted that near DEPARTMENT R. 'D. DRESDSER OF FLORIDA the very end of the transfer some solid crystals UNIVERSITY remained in the tube. The crystals were sealed off GAINESVILLE RECEIVED J A N U A R Y 21, 1956 in the tube and a melting point was determined. The melting range was observed to be 72-76'. When another aliquot of the mixture of CSF12 LIGHT CATALYZED ORGANIC REACTIONS. V.' isomers was similarly treated, the crystalline T H E ADDITION OF AROMATIC CARBONn residue was dissolved in pure ccl4 and subjected COMPOUNDS TO A DISUBSTITUTED A C E T n E N E to N M R analysis. The strong, single-peaked Sir: pattern obtained was interpreted as that which was I n a previous paper of this series2 we have decharacteristic of purified neo-C6Fl2. More recently a larger sample of a mixture of scribed a method for the synthesis of substituted C5F12 isomers was prepared in this laboratory. trimethylene oxides by light initiated addition of The mixture had a b.p. of 28.5-29.5' and a mol. wt. carbonyl compounds to polysubstituted olefins. of 287-288 and was prepared from the reaction With the view of exploring this reaction in greater detail, a series of experiments involving substituted between (CF3)2SF4 and CF3CF=CF2 a t 520'. Neo-CbF12 enrichment was achieved by evaporation acetylenes was carried out. The conversions outin vacuo a t temperatures below 0". Finally, a lined below constitute a new kind of combination sample of material highly enriched in neo-C5F12 leading to a$-unsaturated ketones containing the was isolated. This residual material was a crys- System C6Ha-c=C-cO-R. I 1 talline solid, reminiscent of COS, and i t exerted a R R vapor pressure of 650 rt 2 mm a t 26'. The solid A 3 : 1 mixture of benzaldehyde and 5-decyne was sample amounted to one gram. irradiated with a mercury resonance arc a t 40' Aliquots of the sample were successively trans- for 96 hours. Starting materials were removed by ferred in vacuo to heavy wall glass melting point distillation, b.p. 40-60' (6 mm.) and V (13% yield) tubes 2 mm. in diameter and 4 cm. long. These isolated by chromatography of the residue. 6aliquots amounted to about 0.2 g. each and were Benzylidene-5-decanone (V) had b.p. 108-1 11 sealed off, air-free, in their respective tubes. The (0.1 mm.), infrared max. 605, 6.24 p ; 2,4-DNP melting points of the five aliquots were determined m.p. 118-117'; Anal. Calcd. for C23H28N404: in a water-bath with a thermometer and a stirrer. C, 65.07; H, 6.65; N, 13.20. Found: C, 64.87; The temperature gradient over the depth of the H, 6.71; N, 13.26. Catalytic reduction of V over bath did not exceed 0.2' and the rate of change of Pd/CaC03 catalyst in ethanol solution produced a the temperature in the bath during the determina- homogeneous dihydro derivative (VII), infrared tions did not exceed 0.25'/min. and was main- max. 5.85 p ; Anal. Calcd. for C17H26O: C, 82.87; tained a t O.l"/rnin. near and a t the melting points. H, 10.64. Found: C, 82.69; H, 10.36. The The following short table shows the melting range structure of V was firmly established by unequivof the five successively condensed aliquots. ocal synthesis: a-Butylcinnamoyl chloride, b.p. Aliquot Melting range 85' (0.35 mm.) secured from trans-a-butylcinnamic Order in OC. acid3 and thionyl chloride was condensed with 1 72.0-75.8 dibutylcadmium to give V, b.p. 110' (0.06 mm.) ; 2 73.3-76.1 A, 279 mp, (log E 4.2); anal. Calcd. for CliH240: 3 75 3-77.6 C, 83.55; H, 9.90. Found: C, 83.47; H, 9.72. 4 76.4-78.3 The infrared spectra of this sample and the one 5 76.3-78.2 obtained in the photochemical reaction were nearly Accordingly, with the highest purity that could identical, Further confirmation of identity was be obtained by the procedure outlined, the m.p. obtained by infrared and mixed melting point (1) P a r t of a program of research supported by a grant from the of neo-C6Flz, under its own vapor pressure, was a t Godfrey L. Cabot Fund, Publication No. 6 2 , hl.1.T. Solar E n e r w least 78.3'. Conversion Project. Grateful acknowledgment is offered to Pvts. (2) G . Buchi, C. G. Inman and E. S. Lipinsky, THISJ O U R K A I . , 76, N. Muller and George Svatos for performing the 4327 (1954); E . Paterno and G. Chieffi, G a m . chim. d n l . , 39, 311 NMR analyses, which were done at the Army (1909). (3) A. Michael, Chcm. Bcr., 84,918 (lQOl); M .Metayer, Rcc. t m u .

Sir :

(1) Richard Drerdacr, TEIOJOURNAL, 77, 6633 (18615).

chim., 71, 168 (1962).