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1fiME feriLL THE BEST TEACHER. Dramatic diicdBijpt^nd innovative research have t .mr^i. ^^% characterized Advances in the chemicals industry jp'/ But we all know the inestimable value of experience when 1 providing a reliable and dependable delivery system. s Our longstanding reputation for quality and integrity is > based on a record of uncompromising service to our customers. Backed by the resources of over 200 leading chemical producers, J* we also offer the skill and manpower to assist our customers with /j complex regulatory issues. / A concern for product, service, health and safety standards and # j J strict compliance are but a part of our credo. J^ It is our proven commitment to the betterment of the w o r p ^ U i for now and for the future, that distinguishes our performance for ^r X i^-" ^ ^^mm~ #
Van Waters & Rogers Inc. / subsidiary of Univar .' >~~
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