TRY CHEMIGUM* NX-775 BEFORE YOU GET BURNED. With Chemigum NX-775 carboxylated nitrile rubber you achieve scorch protection without the addition of a costly zinc peroxide master-batch as a cross-linking agent. That's because Chemigum NX-775 has scorch resistance built into the polymer, not the cure. Besides scorch resistance, Chemiaum NX-775 rubber has excel lent processability, long
shelf life, excellent milling and mold flow. All this in addition to the outstanding abrasion and oil resistance commonly associated with carboxylated nitrile rubber. In order to avoid getting burned literally or financially you should get the facts about Chemigum NX-775 rubber. Simply call
Bob Shell (216) 796-3312 or
write Goodyear Chemicals
Division, P.O. Box 9115, Akron, Ohio 44305.