With A M S C O You Can...
I specify performance, not solvents, for paint A Midwestern paintmaker noticed frequent, seri ous fluctuations in the way his product behaved. His customers noticed too —and complained. "Can't be the solvent/' the paintmaker said. "My specifications define KB, distillation range — the works." But AMSCO Technical Service is suspicious of specifications and asked for permission to make tests (even though AMSCO solvents were not be ing used). They studied 21 solvent samples, docu mented that chemical composition varied with source of crude. TKen the right AMSCO solvent was recommended. Now the paint behaves. Cus tomers don't complain. AMSCO Technical Service is always ready to take on new projects. Got a problem you want to solve? With AMSCO you can.
ASKAMSCO American Mineral Spirits COmpany Chemicals · Petrochemicals · Solvents New York-Sales Offices in principal cities Service world-wide through AMSCO International
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