A SYSTEM of evaluation of the instruction received by
A copy of the total number of students in each class the student in the courses in the College of Chemistry answering Yes and No to the questions and the total and Physics a t Louisiana State University was in- number of students checking in each division in the augurated in the 194445 academic year by the present summmy, along with a list of the suggestions made by Dean, A. R. Choppin. The evaluation by the the students for the improvement of the specific course student of the instruction which he is receiving is one are given to the instructor. of the methods aimed a t helping the instmctor to imI n a conference with the instructor, the Dean offers prove his teaching techniques. Once each year, since constructive criticism pointing out ways in which the the plan's inception, each student taking a course in the instruction can be improved. At the different levels, freshmen, sophomore, junior, college, is given a n instructor-evaluation sheet to check a t a regular chemistry or physics class period. The in- senior, and graduate, opinions of students are watched structor for the course is not present a t the time he or carefully by the instructor, head of the division, and the Dean. For example a large number checking "A" in she is evaluated by the students. The questions are worded carefully to eliminate as the summary under Excellent or Above average would much error in the answer as possible. Question num- not be considered to mean as much a t the freshmen level ber 12 for example, I s the instructor interested in helping as it would a t the senior and graduate level. An adstudents outside of class?, to be answered Yes or N o by vanced student in the College of Chemistry and Physics the student, and question 13, Have you attempted to hold will have a higher than average "mentabolism," spelled individual conferences with the instructor outside of M-E-N-T-A-B-0-L-I-S-M. (This word was borrowed class?, to be answered Yes or N o by the student are fol- from Dr. Joel H. Hildebrand's article L'Philosophy of lowed by the question, How many -, and a blank in teaching" published in the September, 1949, JOURNAL which he is to place the number of times he has made o r CHEMICAL EDUCATION.)The senior and graduate the attempt to have a conference with the instructor. student should be better able to judge the instructor's The limiting question, How many?-, following ques- knowledge of the subject. tion 13, will probably cause the student to consider and One question on every evaluation sheet that is congive a more thoughtful answer to questions 12 and 13. sidered of first importance, is question number 14, If A tabulation of the results of the questionnaire in given an opportunity would you take further worlr with several classes follows. The classes tabulated and re- this instructor?" This, of course, is because of future corded range from freshmen through the graduate level. courses which the student may take in the department. The last question on the evaluation sheet not shown . A large number saying N o to this question regardless of in tabulations, was List the specific things that you feel the answers to the other questions is considered a would contribute to your obtaining greater benefit from this d e h i t e danger point for the instructor. Of course, the course. answers to the other questions will elucidate this "No" The list of suggestions from students, recurring most. answer, and furnish the cue for the instructor to frequently is: "straighten up and fly - right." ~h'comp&tions are used by the Dean and a comSUGGESTIONS FOR IMPROVING COl. lRSES mittee of chemistry faculty members to discuss the merit of an instructor for a promotion in rank or for a Have smaller lecture sections. salary increase. This committee's recommendations Get a new textbook. Have more and shorter tests. with supporting data such as brief biography, activity Make definite assignments. in the department as a teacher, research worker, extraWork more problems for class. curricular activity and the student evaluation comSpeak louder. pilations, are sent to the administrative office of the uniWrite larger on blackboard. versity. The President uses this information in an allLesve illustrations on blackboard longer Stick to the subject. university committee on promotions and sahry increases. The Dean of the College is present when the The results of the evaluations by students are taken committee meets to discuss any chAges in status of very seriously by our faculty and we are anxious to get chemistry and physics faculty. The Dean is asked to the results of the evaluations each year in order to see present the recommendations for change in faculty whether or not we have shown any improvement. status and the data from his college to support these 379
JULY, 1950
recommendations. This committee's decisions are tantamount to Dassaw bv " the Board of Sunervisors of the University. In conclusion, the student evaluations of instruction in the College of Chemistry and Physics a t Louisiana State University, give us a way to check on our own teaching effectiveness. The student evaluations focus our attention upon our strengths and our weaknesses.
We, of necessity, will work upon the weak spots so that next vear's evaluations will show imorovement. The evaluation sheets give the student an opportunity t o participate in molding the courses which the college offers. The students through the medium of department-sponsored evaluations are given an official opportunity to express likes and dislikes. This somewhat relieves the tensions built up within the student.