tained by the hydroxide-peroxide method but the manipulation is less convenient. The nitric acid method as used gave low results. In the determination of phosphorus practically identical results were obtained whether the material was oxidized by combustion in oxygen, by heating with carbonate and nitrate, or by boiling with sulphuric acid and ammonium nitrate. For the analysis of food materials and physiological products the last-mentioned method will probably be found most convenient, especially in laboratories where the Kjeldahl method for nitrogen is largely used. In analyzing animal and vegetable materials there is very much greater danger of loss by volatilization of sulphur than of phosp horu s, The writer desires to express his indebtedness to Prof. W. 0. Xtwater of IYesleyan University, who encouraged this work in many ways and in whose laboratory a large part of it was done, and to Mr. Emil Osterberg who assisted with many of the determinations. XBW Y O R K CITY.
September, 1902.
X ~ O ?
papers published in the Journal of this Society,l the writer submitted a method of examining fats and oils in which the substance to be examined was acted upon by bromine dissolved in carbon tetrachloride. The most important advantage claimed for the method was that if the oil or fat contains substances with which bromine reacts to form substitution products, the fact will be made known by the production of a certain amount of hydrobromic acid which is determined in one part of the process. The ordinary animal and vegetable oils and fats, such as olive oil, lard, cottonseed oil, linseed oil, etc., which are practically pure glycerides, absorb almost the whole of the bromine which disappears during its action upon them by direct addition, that is to say, the bromine unites with pairs of carbon atoms which had previously been connected by double or triple bonds, and consequently but 1
Vol. 16,275, and a i , 10S4.
little hydrobromic acitl is protlucetl by the reactioii. 'l'hc aiialytical process gives. for each tcst matle, two figures. one sliowiiig the 1)roiniiic absorbed by direct a t l t l i t i o i i ant1 the othcr the amount ivhich has substituted h!-clrogeii. ,' 1he most frequent atlultcraiits of fatty oils arc pctrolcuiii and rosiii, both of which arc i-clati\.ely chcap. I Mi of thcse react \\.it11 hromiiie t o 1)rotl1iceli~~tli~ol~roniic acitl, and thereby give v c ~ v clistiiict intlications o f their l)rcscrice ill othcr oils. . h i esteiicletl application of the process 1ia.i iiot rcsultetl in any iiiotlifications crcept i i i one iiistance. ivlicii \vc I i a ~ eto deal with a substance ivliicli is partly organic aiitl partly inorganic. This coiiditiou occiirs i n boiled liiisectl oil aiicl iiiore particularly iii tlricrs. The ositlcs o f l c m l ant! of iiiaiigaiiesc \vhich arc natural constituents o f tlicw substances, aut1 also thc lime which is sometiiiics prcseiit, neutralize, as might be expected, a part or tlie \\-hole of the liyrlrnbromic acid, \vhich may lie formed I)? the reaction of broniiiic \\-it11 such aii atlulterant as rosiii or petroleum. Coiisequeiitly \slicii iiietallic coiiil)oiiiitls arc prcsciit it is not safe t o assuiiic that ;ti1 is frcc from rosin simply because its bromine substitutiuii figiirc is Iv\\.. lt' there is any coiisidcrable amount of rosin the small amount of lead anti manganese present in boiled oil will iiot obscure the indications, cspecially as iiot only is the substitution figtire o f rosin very high ( 7.; or tlierealmuts as coiiiparctl with 3 ?'or linscctl o i l ) , Imt its atltlitioii f i g i r e is vel-!. lo\\. oiily about 3 a s against io5 for linseed oil. ( hi account of the small proportion of tlriers tisually atltletl. it m a y easily happen. h t n ~ c v e r .that a saiiiple of hoilet! oil which contains a drier partly coinposed of rosiii or of mineral oil may give Ixomine figures which ;ire not at all suspicious. 1 f tlie oil is atlulteratctl with rosin or \\it11 mineral oil i i i largvr ainoiiiits. 5 per cent. ~r iiiore, such as n.oult1 iiaturall!. lie atitled i f thc pwpose \vas to chcapeii the product. tlic h v e r i i i x o f tlic atltlition figure \vi11 be sufficiently marked to attract attciition cvtw i f iiiiiieral bases are present in sufficiently largt. aiiioiiiits to entirely neutralize the hydrobromic acid. aiitl the ncc1iri-ciiw of so much mineral base is iiot likely. I t may bc rcniarlxtl that the iodine figure of rosiii is ;tl)out o.S of that of linscetl oil. and that the adulteration rvitli rosiii may l ~ e quite serious ivithout a n y marlietl Ion-eriiig of thc Hiill1 figure. ( j i l
In the case of the analysis of driers used in making boiled oil, the same remarks apply, but in a much greater degree. To sum up the matter we may say that the introduction into an oil of mineral bases, such as lime and the oxides of lead and of manganese, decreases the bromine substitution figure given by the oil. and this reduction inust be taken account of in the analysis of hoiletl linseed oil and of driers. I t may be of interest to give some account of the effect of varying conditions upon tlie results obtained by the process. First wit11 regard to the time required for tlie contact. A number of experiments have been inade to ascertain how long a time is required for the reaction to be completed. I t appears, as a result of the experiments, that as f a r as the reaction of bromine and the pure glycerides is concerned, the reaction goes on to completion in a very short time, probably one minute or less, even in the case of oils absorbing most halogen, such as linseed oil. This appears to be true, generally, providing the absorption is entirely by addition. If part or all of the absorption of halogen is by substitution, the amount absorbed varies, as it is natural to expect that it would. \\.it11 tlie time of contact between halogen and the substance. Lewkowitschl takes exception to the author’s conclusion that on account of tlie great variation in tlie results caused by differences in the time occupied by the experiments, the iodine figure of rosin is of little value as a “constant“. H e calls attention to the fact that the Hiibl figure varies with tlie time of contact in the case of other substances than rosin. I n reply it may be said that in the case of unsaturated glycerides the importance of the time factor is insignificant as compared with its importance when the halogen absorption is mostly by substitution. The writer still feels that the iodine figure of rosin is hardly definite enough to entitle it to recognition as a “constant”. -4 number of experiments \\ere made to compare the rapidity with which lxoinine in carbon tetrachloride solution acts upon such a material as coninion rosin, iyitli the rapidity of tlie action of Hiibl’s solution on the same material. T h e bromine absorption of a sample of 11.. G. rosin was determined in four experiments, in one of which tlie reagent was aliowed to act upon the rosin for two minutes, in another for 1 “
Oils, Fats, arid Waxes,” second editioti. p
P A R K E R C. M C I L H I X E Y .
eighteen niinutes, in a third for sixty-nine minutes, and in a fourth for twenty hours ; the results a-ere as follows : Total bromine absorption. Per cent.
............................ Eighteen minutes ......................... Sixty-nine niinutes.. ...................... Twenty hours., ........................... Two minutes..
160.5 I 74.5 178.0 213.4
Similar experiments with Hiibl’s solution of iodine were previously reported by the aut1ior.l The same sample of rosin was used in both sets of experiments. The results obtained were as iollows : Total iodine absorption. Per cent.
(]ne hour ................................. TWOhours.. .............................. Four flours.. .............................. Eight hours. ............................. Ei hteen hours ........................... Fif&-two hours ...........................
I 26.7 133.1 142.0
144.8 160.3 I j2.6
90 SO 70 60 50
30 20 IO
The two sets of experiments are compared graphically in the 1
This Journal, 16, 56.
figure. The highest absorption found in each case is taken as 100, the lower absorptions being reduced to the same basis and represented in the figure as ordinates. The abscissas represent time in hours. I t will readily be seen from the figure that the absorption of bromine is much more nearly complete at the end of a short experiment than that of iodine in the determination of the Hub1 figure, and consequently that the bromine absorption of such a material as rosin is a much more definite figure and less affected by the length of the experiment than the Hub1 figure is for the same substance, though by no means a “constant.” Rosin may be taken as one of the best examples of the absorption of halogen purely by substitution, the addition figure being very low indeed, though the total absorption is high. A series of five experiments, made to determine the effect of varying excess of bromine, gave the following results ; a sample of pure linseed oil was used for the experiments : Percentage of excess of bromine.
16.5 36.4 42.I
81.2 104.3
Total bromine absorption. Per cent.
95.5 98.3 101.0
I t will be seen that an excess of bromine amounting to 100 per cent. or more of that absorbed by the oil is necessary in order that the reaction may speedily go on to completion. Another series of experiments was made to determine the effects of varying temperature and of the presence or absence of moisture in the oil. The bromine figure of a sample of linseed oil was determined in four ways: First, in the ordinary way at the room temperature 20’ C. Second, with IO cc. of water added to each test at the room temperature. Third, with I O cc. of water added to each test and the bottles kept immersed in melting ice. Fourth, with I O cc. of water added to each test and the bottles heated to 30’ C. The experiments were all carried on at the same time. The shortest test was eighty-eight minutes and the longest one hundred and eighty minutes.
'i'lir rcsiilts obtained \Yere as iollows : ' Y < j t n lbroiiiiiie :thsorptioti.
Dry, ordiiiary conditioti. ........... I 1 0 . 2 I O cc. x t t e r , ordinary temperature.. 10S.6 I O cc. water, cooletl ................ 109,s I O cc. water, heated ................ I 12.2
13runiiiie Broiiiiiie addition. wbstitutioii. l0j.S 2.7
2.3 2.9
10.3 .0
It is noteworthy that the results appear to be but slightl!.
:iffcctcd by the variations introduced and particularly that thc 1)restvicc of \rater seems to be i\-itliout serious effect.
11% has been lilio~\-Iifor a long time that when soluble phos1)liatc.c arc applied to the .soil. the!- Imoiiie fisetl 1)y the bases, linic, iron. ctc.. ant1 arc iiot Icachetl from the soil to any very cci:isitlerable extent by rain or irrigation waters. T:y this process \vater-solul)le phosphoric acitl is "rcvcrted" or chaiige'l to a combiiiatioii not soluble in Ivater. This is akin to the fisation of potash a n d ammonia. which arc chaiigcztl into insoluble combinations i n the soil. This is a \vise provision u i nattirc aiicl prcwiits salts and bases in the soil which have been rentlcrctl soluble 111. \\-eathering atit1 other agencies from being nashed out and lost from the soil : aiidit enables the agriculturalist to apply certain forms of soluble fertilizers to grojyiiig crops ivithout fear of losing them in thc tlrainage ivaters. 1:ut \\.hat liecomes o f the \\-ater-soluble pllosphoric acitl applietl as a fertilizcr : is it fixed near the surface, or is it well distributetl throughoiit tlic soil where tlic roots of plants can get it ? T h e following investigation {vas imclertalien for the purpose of (leterniiniiig to what extent \vater-soluble phosphoric acid is tlistributetl through the soil before it becomes fisetl. In certain sections o f these islands the cane grows by irrigation : in other sectioiis the rainfall is ample. \\'here irrigation is practiced the so1ul)le fertilizer is scattered along tlic cane rmv. in some cases covered, in other cases not. ant1 foilon-et1 1111 within a day or two 1 ) ~ .in-igatioii. Three or four iiiches of ivater ~voidtlreprcsent an