Goodyear Research excellent sports facilities—and one of the highest con centrations of scientists in the U.S. The headquarters of the Division of Rubber Chemistry of ACS, and the Institute of Rubber Research, are both housed in the University of Akron. The University and 13 other colleges and universities nearby offer advanced degrees in chemistry and other natural sciences. Professional societies are active. No fewer than 340 of the 1450 members of the local sec tion of the ACS are Goodyear personnel.
The finest in library resources As a Goodyear research scientist, you would share one of the largest collections of literature on rubber chemistry and technology in the nation. The Goodyear Research Library contains more than 15,000 volumes, and catalogs 360 technical journals a month. You'd wait only seconds to get the titles you need, for the entire library is coordinated with an IBM 101 Electronic Statistical Sorter. You feed in one of 25,000 context-con cept key words, and receive a typed bibliography auto matically.
A challenge in leadership For 30 years Goodyear has been the world's largest rubber producer. It reached that position through the research that pion eered in synthetic rubbers during World War II, led to the first man-made poJyisoprene, made discoveries like Tufsyn® rubber and Neolite® composition materials for shoe soles and heels. It will keep that leadership through research for space and the military, medicine and commerce. We invite your inquiry. Write the Director of Research, The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company, 1144 E. Market Street, Akron, Ohio 44316.
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