Honeywell - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

18 May 2012 - Honeywell. Anal. Chem. , 1964, 36 (3), pp 103A–104A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60209a794. Publication Date: March 1964. Copyright © 1964 America...
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MHD Thermal Lags Spotted by Recorders VALLEY FORGE, PA. — Thermal lags in General Electric's Magnetohydrodynamic Continuous Flow 'facility are quickly spotted and adjusted through use of two dual-pen ElectroniK 17 re­ corders. These instruments monitor gas and surface temperatures within heater, nozzle and MHD generator during three-minute startup period. After startup, continuous records are made of generator em.ranee and exit gas temperatures and two cathode surface temperatures within the generator. When temperatures reach preset values, relay-controlled indicator lights tell op­ erators to disconnect the oxygen ana­ lyzer and begin seeding carrier gas. Research is aimed at making possible nuclear-powered MHD generators with high power densities required for space and defense applications. Calibrated accuracy of these Elec­ troniK 17's is ± 0 . 2 5 % . Solid-state circuitry and exclusive Honeywell infi­ nite-resolution Stranducer(™> rebal­ ancing element gives these instruments extremely long and accurate life, and allows them to operate over an ambient temperature range oi 0 to 130°F. Low initial cost, low current consumption, low upkeep and maintenance expense make the ElectroniK 17 the most eco­ nomical high-speed servo recorder available for today's demanding data acquisition requirements.

PART OF INSTRUMENTATION at Gen­ era] Electric's Magnetohydrodynamics Con­ tinuous Flow Facility.


N u m b e r 1-AC

New Portable Lab Recorder Measures 100/zv to lOOv PHILADELPHIA, Pa. — The first portable lab recorder capable of measur­ ing voltages ranging from 100 micro­ volts full scale to 100 volts full scale without auxiliary equipment, has been announced by Honeywell. This new in­ strument, the ElectroniK 19 strip chart recorder, combines a wide measuring range with a variety of features that makes it one of the most versatile re­ corders available for laboratory or test applications. The unit is only 8%" high by 8%" wide by 11" deep, and weighs less than 20 pounds. It comes complete with integral carrying handle, power cord, and rubber feet. In introducing the new instrument, Charles Wilkins, Laboratory Equipment Market Manager, emphasized that the ElectroniK 19 recorder has been de­ ELECTRONIK 19 PORTABLE LAB RE­ CORDER has a range from 100 microvolts signed specifically to meet the needs of to 100 volts full-scale, weighs less than 20 the laboratory and test markets. "For pounds, occupies less than one square foot example," Wilkins explained, "the wide of desk top. selection range of the ElectroniK 19 metric measuring circuit that provides recorder makes it possible to measure ± 0 . 2 5 % full-scale accuracy; up to ± 100 with one instrument signals that usually per cent of full-scale zero displacement required several instruments or range- to expand the effective range when sig­ extending auxiliaries such as preampli­ nal goes off scale; high-performance, fiers or attenuators. null-balance servo with frequency re­ "The ElectroniK 19 lab recorder has sponse down less than one per cent full a unique tilting platen that pulls up scale at 5 cps for 10 per cent peak-tofrom a vertical position and locks at a peak amplitude; and the wide measuring 30° or 45° angle. This feature, combined capability from low-impedance detectors with a chart drive mechanism powerful to high-impedance bridges. enough to feed the chart out of the re­ In summary, Wilkins said that the corder and push it across a table, en­ ElectroniK 19 strip chart lab recorder ables the user to easily and conveniently meets the specific needs of the chemical examine the chart and make notations analysts and equipment test engineers on it while recording. There's also a for versatile, precision measurements tear-οίΤ bar for fast, easy removal of with a rugged, convenient instrument. selected records." Wilkins continued. "Our engineering staff has combined the "When you add the completely remov­ features that an industry-wide survey able chart transport and quick, thumb­ showed to be most desirable in a lab wheel selection of 10 chart speeds from recorder. And, we've been able to price one inch in 10 minutes to an inch a the 19 at only $1100 F.O.B. our U.S. second, you can appreciate how we've factory. Of course, since this is a new engineered this instrument for the user." unit, price and specifications are subject When asked about performance fea­ to change without notice." tures, Wilkins pointed out: the potentio-





ElectroniK 16 Recorder Introduced P H I L A D E L P H I A — Honeywell's Philadelphia Division has introduced the ElectroniK 16 potentiometer, a new strip-chart recorder offering many standard features that are optional on other recorders. "The ElectroniK 16's modular design concept, along with a number of customer-oriented features that make it convenient to install, maintain and use, makes it the easiest to work with recorder on the market today," said Charles Mclntire, sales manager of the Philadelphia Division. "For example, the instrument mounts directly into a 19-inch relay rack without using adapters. It has a new, highperformance, transistor servo-measuring unit. Chart-changing time has been reduced to less than a minute. And we can supply an optional pre-loaded chart transport that permits charts to be changed in approximately 10 seconds." Mechanical layout of the recorder is such, Mclntire said, that most available

Visicorder Unit Keeps Up With Spectrometer

Operator makes setting on Adjustable Range Unit, optional equipment with twopen ElectroniK 16 strip-chart recorder. options and accessories have their own unique location on the chassis. This permits the customer to later add features previously available only as factory-installed equipment or not possible at all if certain other options also were desired.

"All adjustments can be made simply by sliding the chassis forward," Mclntire noted. "The ink supply can be refilled so easily that the instrument's recording operation is not interrupted. The electrical span and zero controls are made entirely by precision potentiometers specifically designed by Honeywell for this function. And a new type of camoperated backset switch has been created, again with simplicity of adjustment and stability of operation in mind." The ElectroniK 16 is currently available in single-pen, two-pen and multipoint models. Among the options available are an Adjustable Range Unit, chart supply indicator, retransmitting slidewires and event markers. The multipoint recorder has an option whereby any combination of 1 to 24 inputs can be selected by positioning appropriate buttons, and another option giving plugboard selection of alarm points. WRITE FOR COMPLETE DETAILS

ElectroniK 18 Unit Provides Economical, Precise Recording

PHILADELPHIA—"Now in service and signals to electronic data systems. for many exacting applications such Wilkins noted that the 18 has a calSAN FRANCISCO — A Honeywell as chromatography, spectrometry and ibrated accuracy of ± 0 . 3 % span and Model 1508 Visicorder direct-writing precision cryosurgery, the Honeywell ± 0 . 2 % dead band. The unit's 6-inch oscillograph solved the problem here of ElectroniK 18 Recorder provides a de- chart is 126 feet long. finding a recorder fast enough to keep pendable, economical answer to many up with a fast-scan mass spectrometer. laboratory instrumentation needs," acScientists at the U. S. Naval Radio- cording to Charles Wilkins, Laboratory logical Defense Laboratory, engaged in Equipment Market Manager. basic research on the chemistry of fire "It can handle many of the most and ignition, use both gas chromatogra- demanding high-precision analytical asphy and mass spectrometry for research signments," Wilkins continued, "and a and analysis. None of the lab's strip- new option, the manual chart speed chart recorders could match the spec- changer, lets technicians speed up strip trometer's ultimate scanning rate. chart movement to 'spread out' details To record mass spectra, the recording for easier analysis. Just a flick of the device must be able to trace out the knob changes the chart speed." sharp peaks of ion currents vs. atomic By adding a preamplifier (a Honeymass units present in the spectral patwell Deviation Amplifier) the Electern peculiar to each component. The troniK 18 can record microvolt ranges, Visicorder unit displays the output of as required for differential thermal analthe analog unit of the spectrometer. INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS GROUP ysis. Two improved disc integrator P H I L A D E L P H I A , PA. 1 9 1 4 4 models provide pen read-out on right HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL HONEYWELL PRESENTS ^ T " ^ side of chart, or pulse signal output for Sales and service offices in principal cities of the SCIENCE ALL STARS abc actuation of electrical or mechanical world. Manufacturing in United States, United Kingcounters, printers, and stepping motors, dom, Canada, Netherlands, Germany, France, Japan. SUNDAYS 4 : 3 0 E.S.T. TV
