Inconsistent purity of your alpha olefins driving you mad? It can turn a day's work in your plant into a monstrous situation. Not to mention making it difficult to face your co-workers. But it's a situation that doesn't have to occur. Having the
distinction of first developing alpha olefins, Chevron has continually sought to improve their consistency and purity And process engineers at Chevron like Chris Patrizi have successfully worked to improve the typical carbon distribution purity in excess of 99 wt% in all fractions from C4 to 18. To find out how Chevron can Chris Patrizi, Process Engineer With a B.S. in Chem- answer your production concerns, just ical Engineeringfrom Lamar University, Chris has give us a call at (713) 754-2451. five years experience at Chevron's Cedar Bayou We can help assure you of consistent facility.
purity in whatever carbon fraction or special blend you require. And that's something that can transform a mad scientist into something completely different. A glad scientist. Chevron
Chevron Chemical
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