underthe-hood CA 66-1
Inside, outside, and under-the-hood, the long-term value of
today's fine cars is enhanced by Hercules diversified line of high-performance materials. Polyolefins plastics for shroud panels, heater ducts, fan shrouds, steering wheels, and miscellaneous parts. Pro-fax® polypropylene monofilaments for windlace supports, truckupholstery fabrics, and carpet supports. Herculon® olefin fibers for upholstery fabrics, carpet, window-channel fabrics, and nonwoven materials. Imperial® pigment colors for plastic components, floor mats, metal finishes, and upholstery fabrics. Coating materials for outstanding interior and exterior finishes. Corflo* flexible tubing for hose and ducts. Minicel*, a new family of thermoplastic foams for interior padding and engine-gasketing applications. New elastomers with superior resistance to oil, grease, heat, ozone, aging, and antifreeze. For cost-saving, value-building automotive components . . . " G O HERCULES." Contact our Detroit Office: 800 Northland Towers, P.O. Box 5020, Detroit, Michigan 48235. Phone 313-444-4323.
*Haveg Trademark