hydrolysis of peptide and protein sam ples for amino acid analysis. Up to 40 samples can be hydrolyzed under inert conditions in 100- or 300-/tL autosampler vials. CEM Corp. 405 Ions. SP-CM cation measurement sys tem is a dual-wavelength spectrofluorometer for determination of pH, Ca2+, Na+, and other ions in single living cells or cell suspensions. The system can also be used for fluorescence polariza tion and anisotropy, enzyme-substrate kinetics, and antibody-antigen bind ing studies. Spex 406 Process analysis. FPA 800 series mi croprocessor-based colorimeters fea ture interactive menu-driven software, modular design, and standard NEMA enclosures. Applications include the determination of trace copper, chromi um, silica, and cyanide in wastewater streams or condensed boiler water. Tytronics 407
ΟΡΑ microprocessor-controlled on-line process analyzer can monitor up to eight streams for TOC, phenol, NH 3 , NO3/NO2, and more than 100 other components. Features include self-diagnostics and batch-sampling capability. Skalar 401
Instrumentation ICP/MS. PQe allows the determina tion of all environmentally significant elements below legislated detection limits. The ion-counting system has a dynamic range of 9 orders of magni tude and does not need periodic re placement. VG Instruments 403 NMR. Omega CSI NMR spectroscopy system features a fully integrated UNIX operating system and imagedirected protocols for localized spec troscopy. The system is suitable for biomedical, industrial, and agricultural research applications. GE NMR In struments 404 Sample preparation. Microwave hy drolysis system provides vapor-phase
Detection. CCD9000 spectroscopic CCD detection system is designed for use in Raman, fluorescence, chemiluminescence, Echelle, photolumines cence, and imaging spectroscopies. The system features a spectroscopy soft ware package and an embedded con troller card for 286/386 computers. Photometries 408 Gases. Multipoint toxic gas air moni toring system detects chlorine, hydro gen chloride, hydrogen fluoride, bro mine, hydrogen bromide, boron tri chloride, and other gases that hydrolyze into HF or HC1. The system can be used to monitor toxic gas in up to 10 locations simultaneously. Anacon Corp. 409 DNA synthesis. Two-column Model 392 and four-column Model 394 DNA synthesizers feature a cycle designed for the inexpensive synthesis of short oligonucleotides (< 50 bases). Cycle times for two- and four-column synthe sis at the 0.2-Mmol scale are 5:40 and 6:50 min, respectively. Applied Biosystems 410 Chromatography. LC autosampler, which handles up to 160 samples, fea tures a variable injection volume rang ing from 1 to 250 μι,. The system in-
eludes a column heater and is fully equipped to perform ΟΡΑ precolumn derivatization. Applied Chromatogra phy Systems 411
Software Periodic table. Proelement is a peri odic table database and management system that contains more than 12 000 data entries, including physical, iso typic, electronic, chemical, spectral, nuclear, bonding, and NMR properties of 103 elements and 481 isotopes. The software runs on IBM PC, PS/2, and compatible computers. Intellibase En gineering Software 415 Structures. Chemical Illustrator al lows the creation and editing of chemi cal structures such as rings, bonds, and symbols plus basic graphics such as ar rows, brackets, arcs, and curves. Struc tures can be edited within the docu ment rather than inside a separate on screen window. Xerox 418 Mathematics. Mathematica software system handles numerical, algebraic, symbolic, and graphical computations. Capabilities include polynomial factor ization, integration, differentiation, matrices, Fourier transforms, power se ries expansion, and 2D and 3D graph ics. Wolfram Research 419 Spelling. ChemWords, designed for Macintosh computers, is a spelling dic tionary containing more than 30000 chemistry-related words. The software is available in versions compatible with Microsoft Word 4.0, WordPerfect 1.0.3, and MacWrite II 1.0. Scientific Software 420 Modeling. Molecular Modeling is a modeling system that provides 3D rep resentations of chemical structures. Each structure is constructed element by element; bonding and ionization rules are provided from a periodic table in the program. Dynacomp 421 Companies Interested In a listing In this department should send their releases directly to ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, Attn:
New Products, 1155 16th Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20036.