Introduction to quantum theory (Hameka, Hendrik F.)

Introduction to Quantum Theory. Hendrik F. Hameka, University of. Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. Harper and Row, New York, 1967. x. + 276 pp. Figs, and t...
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The book is well indexed and abundantly and clearly illustrated. An attractive extra feature is the inclusion of thumbnail biographies. There are, of course, oocasional faults of oversimplification. In a book otherwise so admirably done it is surprising and disappointing that the description and diagrams of orbital shapes (page 6) should be so definitely wrong. The order of orbital energies, 4s < 3d (pp. 6, 38) is not so for the transition metals. The correct order of orbital energies in Nnis 3~~< In,, not the reverse RICHARD W. FESSENDEN as apparently indicated by experimental M e l h Instilute and evidence, which reflects the observable Cmegie-Mella University state of the molecule rather then the best Pitlaburgh, Penmyluania (i.e., HartreeFook) orbitd approximation. Clearly enough, however, disorepancies like these do not significantly interfere with the main thrust of the book. The Importance of Antibonding Orbitals The style is excellent and the content is carefully selected to provide a clear, unM i U a O~chinand H . H . Jaffd, Unicluttered line of thought. Not only is the versity of Cmcinnsti, Ohio. Houghhook well suited to the typical sophomore ton M a i n Co., Boston, 1967. viii organic student, but upperclass under104 pp. Figs. and tables. 15 X graduates, teachers, and in fact most 23 cm. Paperbound. 52.50. others, will also find it an enjoyable reThis sophomore supplement is intended view if not nn introduction to some newer to acquaint the student with the major topics. features and applications of molecular IRWINCOHEN orbital theory, especially in its interpretaYoungatmm State University tions of chemioal structure, infrared and Youngstown, Ohw ultraviolet speotroscopy, photochemistry and the excited state, and electroeyclic reactions. This is s. large order for a 100page book hut it is well done. lntr~dvctionto Quantum Theory The first of the five chapters reviews basic principles and develops the concept Hadrilc F. Hnmeka, University of of bonding and antihonding orbit&. Pennsylvrtnia, Philadelphia. Harper The second chapter defines orthogonality 276 and Row, New York, 1967. x and normalizrttion. (Mathematical a p pp. Figs. and tables. 16.5 X 24 em. paratus and physics1 interpretation are $12. presented with integrations only formally There are, my colleagues inform me, as indicated; no calculations are carried out.) The LCAO MO picture of some firstmany ways of teaching quantum ehemistry to undergraduates as there are row diatomic molecules is then presented quantum chemists. Thii is, I believe, in sufficient detail to add much to the because we have as yet no tradition of students' understanding of hybridization teaching it at this level, and have deand energy level diagrams and to prepare veloped no set patterns. Indeed, there for the succeedimg chapters. is still little agreement as to where the Chapter three is concerned with transisubject belongs in the undergraduate tion metals and infrared spectroscopy. curriculum: at some schools, quantum The structures of transition metal carchemistry per se is not taught at all, s t bonyl complexes are interpreted in terms others it now comprises the bulk of the of d-hybrid sigma bonding with lone pairs second semester of junior year physical of the ligand, together with dw-p back chemistry. bonding with antihonding orbitals of the The disagreement over if and when to CO. With these structures in hand the teach quantum ohemistry is a product of authors proceed to the principles of vibraour uncertainty as to what the subject t,ionel spectra. Force constants, stretching should comprise. One is tempted, on the frequencies, and bond lengths for the one hand, to teach the more practical and carhonyl complexes are correlated with intuitively reasonable aspects of the structures. The unified picture that theory, stressing valence concepts and emerges provides a highly satisfactory the "nature" of ehemied bonding. Such introduction to some relatively sophistian approach must necessarily slight the cated problems. more fundamental theoretical material. Chapter four similarly tzkes up the carA middle approach is to survey rather bonyl group and its ultraviolet transitions, briefly both the theory and applications including singlet and triplet states and an of quantum mechanics, starting with the introduction to excited state chemistry. Schrodinger equation and covering, for Chapter five includes a fine treatment of example, elementary molecular spectrosthe Hoffman-Woadward rules for elecoopy, some valence theory, and nuclear troeyclic reactions, capped with a, chdmagnetic resonance. On the other hand, lenging discussion of symmetry carrelsone may also he tempted to spend the tions. These last three chapters are both entire course dieussing the postulates of solid enough m d elementary enough to do quantum mechanics, the Schrodinger more than merely teach their contents; equation, and the physical interpretations they will in most cases stimulate red of simple problems, without arriving s t interest in both theory and its applicaany "useful" chemistry. Such sn aptions. although care must he taken that it be introduced a t a time when their background is adequate. An equally important use will be by thme not primarily concerned with magnetic resonance hut who must, nevertheless, interpret results from such experiments. After a reading of this book such a person would be familiar with most of the important applications and would be in a. good position to approach more detailed works. This book should be available to all persons in these categories.




proach is not likely to meet favor with those of us who are not chemical physicists, but it is, nevertheless, the approach of Professor Hameka's new text. The book is "designed to teach elementary quantummeohanics to undergraduates in chemistry and physics." As such, it is more likely to find favor with physicists than chemists, and would he best suited to an undergraduate course in ehemiosl physics-if we have yet reached that stage of early specialization. The major virtue of this text is that it is extrsordinarily self-contained. All the necessary mathematics (except calculus!) has been included: vectors, matrices, Fourier analysis, differential equations, determinant theory, h e a r equations, and so forth. Similarly, a sufficient discussion of classical mechanics is provided, and the historied development of the need for s quantum theory is more than adequate. The initial approach to quantum mechanics is through wave theory and the superposition principle, rather than through the development of eigenvalue equations. Thus, for example, timedependent problems are discussed at unusual length for a text at this level. Siila.rly, the wave functions for unbound states are considered in some detail. The timeindependent Schrodinger equation is not considered until quarter-way through the book, and the hydrogen atom not until near the end. The helium atom is the most "chemical" system considered, and although spin-orbit coupling is briefly mentioned, the L-8 coupling scheme for many-electron atoms is not. Perturbation theory is covered at some length, and the discussion of the variation theorem includes lower bounds as well as upper. However, considering that the (upper bound) variation theorem is of such importance to quantnm chemistry that "in reading some hooks on molecular orbital caloulations, one gets the impression that it has almost replaced the Schrtk dinger equation as the basic equation of quantum theory," little space is devoted to its application except for a. brief discussion of the Hartree-Fock equations and the above-mentioned treatment of the helium atom. Furthermore, the only "practioal" application of perturbation theory is a treatment of the harmonic oseillrttor in an electric field. Chemists may well consider Hameks's selection of topics unusual for a first course in quantum mechanics-at least for a coursein chemistry. Yet thestudent who masters the material in this book will have gained an unusually thorough theoretical background in quantum mechanics. The contents have been chosen to cover all the fundamentally important theoretical methods used in modern qnantum mechanics. The question is one of motivation: students are unlikely to be able to tsckle a full course of unadulterated theory without a more substantial spicing of current (and possible future) appliosr tions. The text is well-produced, with few typographical errors, clearly set equations, and a good index. The writing is clear dthough the approach is sometimes dull. The book can be recommended without reservation to the bighly-motivated


Number 12, December 1967



student interested in a career in chemical physics. I t cannot be recommended for general classroom use in chemistry.

Portig K.-G., Sternwartenstrase 8, Leipaig, East Germany, 1963. 378 pp. Figs. and tables. 16.5 X 23 cm. 29.80 XlDN (= approx. $7.50).

PETERO'D. OFFENHARTZ Universdy of Colorado The student of today seemingly has to Boulder acquire his knowledge of descriptive chemistry on his own, and the teaching staff is in the same boat. This volume provides a way out for those who have the time and facilities. I t also fits into those Chromatography, Second Edition curricula that still include n course in inorganic preparations. I t will also serve Edited by Erieh Heflmann, California those teachers who are seeking tested Institute of Technology, Pasadena. laboratory exercises t o incorporate into 2nd ed. Reinhold Publishing Corp, their present laboratory courses and also 851 pp. Figs. New York, 1967. xli those looking for lecture demonstration and tables. 15.5 X 23.5 cm. $27.50. experiments. The obvious excellence of this text, which led to its being translated The second edition of Chromatography, into German, is clezi-1y the fruit of years of edited by Erich Heftmann, represents a thoughtful and effective teaching. The successful effort to bring an authoritative German translation reads smoothly and is and complete reference volume up to date. well within the language capability of As in the fimt edition, each chapter is many American students and teachers. written by one or more scientists who are The text redly should be put into English leaders in that particular aspect of chraso that the others can take advantage of matography. For example, a new chapter what it offers. has been added on Techniques of ThinLayer Chromatography, written by E. The first 14 sections are devoted to Stahl and 11. K. Mengold. With the inwhat every young inorganic chemist should know or learn. These sections discuss in clusion of the more recent developments, the book hm heen expanded from 700 adeqoate detail the underlying theory and give clear directions for experito 830 pages. The second edition has again been diments on the m e of the various heating devices, glass working, balances and weighvided into two parts, Fundamentals of ing, filtering, drying, recrystallisation, Chromatography and Applications of sublimation, d i s t i l l a t i o n , e t c . T h e Chromatography. Part I of the second preparation of the common gases are taken edition has been reorganized into chapters up and the different kinds of chemical dealing with the theory of adsorption, parreactions. Safety matters and the proper tition chromatography, and electrophorkeeping of laboratory journals and recesis. Individual chapters are then preords are discussed. Each division of the sented on the techniques involved in text is provided withsuggested preliminary liquid column, paper, thin-layer, and gas readings and matters to be carefully chromatography, electrophoresis, ion exthought out before going into the labborachange, and gel filtration. tory. A set of thought-provoking quiz Part 11, Applications of Chromatogquestions is given to be answered after the raphy, is quite similar in form to the first experiment has been done. edition, being divided by ohapters into the separation of specific classes of comThese preliminary practical exercises pounds, i.e., amino acids and peptides, lead directly into t,he preparations proper. carbohydrates, lipids, eto. However, The latter are d e d t with in the 44 sections the authors have brought the literature in which the compounds are actually references up to date, and added sections prepared. A choice is offered in each on separations by the newer techniques. section, the preparations being graded Undoubtedly this book will be valuable with regard to difficulty. Here again the both to students interested in the basic preliminary "homework" is outlined and principles of chromatography as well as the quia questions given. In no case is to the research scientist who has a specific the student told too much about what he separation to perform. This second ediwill observe, he is not over-helped. This tion offers the advantage of including deis not a cookbook, but rather a guide for velopments over the last six years in a the serious pelsan interested in acquiring rapidly advancing field. a basic knowledge of the subject along BURRA. DEHORITY with the requisite manipulative skills. The line drawings (153 in all) are a real help Ohio Agricultural Research in setting up the apparatus. Just reading and Developmnzt Center through the text will greatly aid those who Ohio State Universiiy cannot csrry out the actual laboratory Woostm, Ohio exercises. The latter cover many of the elements and the preparations m n the gamut from the simple to the complex compounds. The book is well made. The binding is Einfiihrvng in die pr;iporotive sturdy, the print is clear, the quality of anorgonirche Chemie the paper is high. This volume is a good JiN Ifilkora, Jan Klarar, Antonin buy; it will make a fine addition to any chemical library. Z&l&a, and Jaromtr Hordk, Pardubice, Czechhslavakia. Translated into German from the revised Czechish edition RALPHE. OESPER by Oswald Giirtler, Leipzig. AkadeUniversity of Cincinnati misohe Verlagsgesellschaft Geest & Cincinnati. Ohio



/ Journal o f Chemical Educufion

Antonh Berka, Jaroslav Vullmin and Jaroslav ZQka, Prague, Czechoslovakia. Translated from the 1963 Czechish edition into German by Oswald Giirtler, Leipsig. Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft Geest & Portig K.-G. Leipeig, 217 East Germany, 1964. viii pp. Figs. and tables. 16.5 X 23 em. 23 MDN (= approx. $6.00).


Because of their rapidity and fairly simple practicability, titrimetric methods are widely employed, particularly for routine work. The redox reactions are especially useful and make up the great bulk of this important field of analytical chemistry. The textbooks always include discussions of the common reagents and give directions for their use. Hence there was no need to repeat such material in this monograph. I t presents an overview of the oxidatiou and reduction reagents that have been suggested for various determinations. I t gathers into one place infarmatitian that has hitherto been scattered throughout the literature. I t will and has been welcomed by analysts in chemical industry, food chemistry, pha~macy,biology, and medicine as well as by those interested in chemical education and research. The text is presented in thirty main divisions. The same pattern is used for each reagent. After s. brief introductory discussion (including pertinent equations, redox potential, etc.) directions are given for the prepamtion and stmdardimtion of the solution. One or more indicators are recommended. Then fallow par* graphs dealing with the determinstions that can be accomplished. The division ends with a list of the references to the literature. Thislatterfeatureisextremely valuable and more than 1100 references appear in these lists. I t should be noted, however, that though working direotions are given with regard to preparing the solutions of the reagents and regarding their stabiiities, no such details are provided with respect to the actual determinations. The reader is informed in a general way as to what has been published but is then left to his own experience and ingenuity or to the working directions that can be found in the journals. I t is assumed that the reader already is familiar with the fundamentals of titrimetry, whether oonduoted in the usual manner or potentiometrically. The reviewer bas found the book most interesting, instructive, and inspiring. The German is not difficult to read and many of the references are to English and American books and periodicals. Some Russian articles are included. The range of materials that may be determined with the aid of these newer or not so familiar redox reactions is truly amazing and accordingly this book deserves a place in the analytical section of every chemistry library. The book is well made and the cost is modest. RALPHE. OEBPER University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, Ohio (Continued a page A1083)