from the higher nitrates, by treatment with a tixed alkali or ammonia. A cellulose nwnoiiitrate ooald not, h o ~ e v e r ,be obtained. If the dinitrate bc acted upon b y alkalies, rehinuns >.ubstnnces a i d Iarioiis organic acids are prodiicetl. Giiri-cwtron is, therefore, t h e hexanitrate, whiles for the prodiictioii r , f c d l o t l i o n , the tetranitrate is employed. OILthe S'jMiLthesis of .MettrUZketde, I s o i n e r ~of Skutole, A. U A H E R and 0. R. J a c ~ b o a (13, 18;). Contributions to tJbe Krrowledge of tibe YrodiCcfs for*tnerl b g the Puti-efmtioIL of dlbziriten, E. SAI.lio\\ssI and I f . Sai.l;o\v~~