Let Hercules show you this new low-cost way to better cake mixes
Hercules® Cellulose Gum is a new, low-cost ingredient for cake mixes that has an unusual ability to bind water and to modify the rheological proper ties of batters. In its laboratories, Hercules has shown that as little as 0.1% cellulose gum in mixes provides cakes that are easier to prepare, have better eating qualities, and prolonged shelf life. • Let us show you the ad vantages of cellulose gum in cake mixes. For technical data and suggested formulations contained in the 7-page bulletin above, write for Bulletin VC-438-1 to Cellulose & Protein Products Department, Hercules Powder Company, Hercules Tower, 910 Market Street, Wilmington 99, Delaware.
OTHER HERCULES PRODUCTS FOR FOOD: Yicrum® vital wheat gluten. Starbake® edible wheat starch. Starvis® gelatinized wheat starch. Huron MSG® monosodium gluta mate. HYP hydrolyzed vegetable protein. Anethole, a food flavor. Staybelite® Ester 5, Ester Gum 8D, Hercolyn® D-three modifiers for chewing gum base. Dalpac® antioxidant. CC63-2 .