LABGUARD new color labeling system promotes safety Mallinckrodt^
Meets ACS Specifications Certificate ol Lot Analysis Acidity (as CH 3 COOH) Aldehyde (as HCHO) Alkalinity (as NH 3 ) Isopropyl Alcohol Methanol Residue after Evaporation Solubility in Water
Ι ΠΤ 944Π ARP.n L U I « W « D O U 0.002 % 0.002 % 0.0001% 0.005 % 0.04 % 0.0009% PACST
Substances Reducing K M n O , Water Color Density (g./ml.) at 25°C Assay Flash Point
CH 3 COCH 3 F.W. 58.08 PACST 0.2 % APHA 4 0.784 99.6% 0°F
ft I J Π Ι \ ®
Analytical Reagent
The new, comprehensive L A B G U A R D label is designed to promote sate handl ing a n d use of potentially dangerous chemicals. There is a new LABGUARD label for every laboratory c h e m i c a l we offer: acids, solvents, solutions and dry reagents. A bright color band across the bottom half of the label is coded to tell at a glance just what type of hazard is pres ent and where to safely store the prod uct. You will find the visibility of the color b a n d unique a m o n g all labeling systems. Within the color band are impor
tant safety data—worded warnings, safe handling requirements, first aid instruc tions, fire extinguisher recommenda tions, and the NFPA diamond code, if applicable. To supplement the label, Mallinckrodt has prepared a LABGUARD Guide, a reference of scientific chemical data with definitions for all safety terms used. The LABGUARD Guide, a poster, and a brochure are available from a partici pating distributor or your Mallinckrodt customer service representative at Paris, Kentucky.
Mallinckrodt ®
Mallinckrodt, Inc. Science Products Division P.O. Box M Paris, Kentucky 40361