Vol. 22, No. 2
Multistage Process for Burning Portland Cement Clinker Robert D. Pike 4069 HOLLISSr.,EMERYVILLE, CALIF.
PROPOSAL for dividing the burning of Portland 7 feet 6 inches and the internal diameter of the upper end is cement clinker into stages so that calcining would be 5 feet 6 inches. The hot gas of combustion from the rotary accomplished in one stage and clinkering in another is passes into the calciner at a point a Iittle above its mid-height. not new, and many variations of this idea occur in the litera- The hot clinker from the rotary drops into a regenerative ture. Reports have been received from Japan of the opera- cooler, d. Hot air for combustion passes directly from the retion of the Hokkaido plant of the Asano Portland Cement generative cooler into the rotary and through the flue, e, into Company, for the commercial burning of clinker from burned the calciner. The cooler illustrated is of the multiplelime and clay. According to this information the output of hearth, mechanically rabbled type, chosen because of its clinker from the rotary kiln is increased threefold by this high thermal efficiency, but any desired type of cooler may be procedure and the power for raw grinding cut in half. employed. During 1923 and 1924 the writer conducted large-scale The basis of the design of the apparatus for the multistage .. experiments for Santa Cruz processes discussed in this Portland Cement Company paper is the high thermal a t their Davenport plant in efficiency of the manySome large-scale experiments in multistage burning connection with a proposal hearthed modified HerresPortland cement clinker as conducted by the writer of his which subsequently hoff furnace. This furnace have been described, and the following proposed multicame to be called the threeis more efficient as a calciner stage combinations have been analyzed quantitatively: stage process (calciningthan the rotary kiln. It (1) one calciner in series with one rotary, with rotary clinkering-regenera t i v e has about the same thermal gas to the calciner; (2) two calciners in parallel, each cooling), This experiment, efficiency as the shaft kiln in series with one rotary, with rotary gas to the calwhich cost more than $150,but a larger output. The ciners; (3) two calciners in parallel, each in series with 000, was made possible by modified Herreshoff calciner one rotary, but waste heat goes to boiler and a potashthe progressive foresight of f o r t h i s process embodies recovery plant is included. The third arrangement George T. Cameron, presispecial features of mechanihas been shown to be the most efficient. The possident of the company. It cal design which make it bility of profitable collection of by-product potash by p r o c e e d e d far enough to s u i t a b l e for calcining raw means of this arrangement is discussed in detail. bring conviction that the mix or limestone, the principal ones being a rotating process was sound and that b o t t o m hearth and extra by its use a saving of about one-half in fuel consumption for burning clinker could be deep hearths for combustion chambers. effected. This process makes possible a realization of the Modification of Original Arrangement fuel economy of the shaft kiln combined with a large output per unit. At the time it was decided to undertake these ex(1) Instead of using injected fuel in the calciner it may be periments there was a shortage of fuel oil in California which promised to be serious, and the already high price of oil with replaced in whole or in part by broken solid fuel mixed with prospects of still higher prices made the experiments timely. the material in the calciner. If the broken fuel is low in volaBut during their course new oil fields were discovered and the tile, it may be mixed with the raw mix; if high in volatile, deficiency of oil wm turned into a surplus with a consequent it should be stoked into the calciner on the hearth below the great drop in price. Interest in these experiments therefore one over which the hot gas from the rotary enters. The exlanguished a t the time when their results were about to be perimental justification for this proposal is found in some work done by the writer and his associates in a cooperative reembodied into a commercial unit. The writer has subsequently continued his studies of the search between the Berkeley, Calif., station of the U. s.Bureau theory of the process and of multistage burning in general of Mines and the Northwest Magnesite Company (4), in and has redesigned the apparatus in view of the teachings which it was demonstrated that magnesite could be calcined in a multiple-hearth calciner by mixing with it about half the of the Davenport experiment. fuel requirements in the form of crushed coal. The remainder Apparatus for Three-Stage Process of the fuel was injected into the calciner. This method led Figure 1 shows a side elevation of an arrangement of ap- to a high thermal efficiency and the general furnace temperaparatus for carrying out the three-stage process. I n this ture was lower than when all the fuel was injected. (2) Two calciners may feed hot calcines to one rotary. figure a represents a multiple-hearth calciner of a modified Herreshoff type fired with injected fuel over the bottom (3) The gas of combustion from the rotary, instead of passhearth. This calciner has eleven hearths and an internal ing into the cdciner, may go directly to a waste-heat boiler. diameter of 12 feet. The gas of combustion passes through This arrangement is, in the writer's opinion, superior to the one a Cottrell precipitator, which returns the dust to the second illustrated in Figure 1. I n the first place it removes the neceshearth from the bottom, The hot calcines drop into a rotary sity for the introduction of the hot gas from the rotary kiln feeder, b, of special design which transfers them directly to into the calciner. To do so greatly increases the gas velocity the rotary kiln, c. In this unit the rotary kiln is 75 feet through the upper ports, causing a corresponding increase in long, has an expanded lower end with an internal diameter of dust pick-up, and this gas has a propensity for forming incrustations on surfaces with which it comes into contact. 1 Received October 18, 1929.
February, 1930
Its removal from the calciner and utilization elsewhere is therefore a great advantage. The gas leaves the rotary kiln at a temperature of about 2100" F. and may be delivered to the waste-heat boiler a t 1750' F., resulting in a waste-heat boiler of high rating and high efficiency. In any event, the amount of steam to be generated in the waste-heat boiler is relatively small, only about 100 pounds per barrel of clinker, so that its size for a given unit is small compared with waste-heat boilers attached to present-day rotary kilns. Potash Collection at Davenport
Probably the most interesting result, however, of passing the rotary gas through a waste-heat boiler is the opportunity it affords for the efficient collection of potash as a by-product. The essential elements of the successful collection of potash were worked out on a large scale by engineers connected with the Santa Cruz Portland Cement Company a t Davenport and the Western Precipitation Company of Los Angeles. The potash-collecting plant has been described ( 1 ) but does not seem to have been accorded the attention which is deserved by an accomplishment of such great magnitude. A brief description of this process is included here because its principal steps can be adapted to the efficient collection of potash in connection with the multistage process. The collection of potash at Davenport was no experiment but a full-sized plant connected up with ten kilns which produced a total of 4500 barrels of clinker daily. The potash plant was in practically 100 per cent continuous operation from March 2, 1920, to May 24, 1924. It was erected directly back of the kilns and the entire flow of gas from the kilns passed into the plant. The gas first passed downward through a spray tower associated with each kiln, where the major part of the dust was removed by water sprays. An essential feature of the process was that practically no potash fume was wetted by the sprays but the cooled and humidified gas which left the bottom of the tower contained all of the potash fume. The slurry from the toFers passed to a settling and decanting plant whose function it was to return to each kiln its proportionate amount of thickened slurry and to return most
Figure 1-Apparatus
to the Cottrell precipitators, which were of a specially designed plate type. The potash fume was precipitated in a flocculent form onto a moving belt, which dropped the light material through rolls which compacted it and dropped it into bags which were ready for shipment. This part of the process worked perfectly and almost automatically. The only hand labor required was the placing and removing of the bags but these operations could have been completely mechanized. The salt produced contained on the average 31 to 32 per cent K20 as sulfate and about one ton was produced per kiln per day. This yield was therefore about 1.5 pounds of KzO per barrel of cement, and as KzO in this form is worth about 80.04 per pound the gross return was $0.06 per barrel. Process with Waste-Heat Boiler and Potash-Collecting Plant
Figure 2 shows the arrangement of the three-stage process with waste-heat boiler and potash-collecting plant. Data presented by the U. S. Department of Agriculture (5) indicate that it should be possible to collect an average of 1.75 pounds of K20 per barrel of clinker, and the results obtained a t Davenport are only slightly below this figure. The raw mix a t Davenport contained on the average 0.78 per cent K2O and the clinker, 0.442 per cent. With the above explanation in mind, Figure 2 will be almost self-explanatory, but a few points need mention. At Davenport the fuel oil contains about 0.75 per cent sulfur and all this sulfur goes to the potash plant. I n the arrangement shown in Figure 2 using the same kind of fuel as a t Davenport, less than one-fifth the amount of sulfur will go into the flue to the waste-heat boiler. This fact leads to some question
for Three-Stage Process for Burning Portland C e m e n t Clinker
of the water in circulation to the spray towers. This wet stage of the process caused a lot of trouble. The water was saturated with calciuni sulfate, which deposited as gypsum in hard layers in pipes ,and nozzles. It was very difficult to return the pro-rata amount of thickened slurry to the kiln and this material reduced somen-hat the output of the dry-process kilns. The gas leaving the bottom of the towers passed directly
as t o whether there will be enough sulfur dioxide to sulfate all of the K2O and CaO present in the gas. I n anticipation of the possibility of a shortage of sulfur Figure 2 shows the introduction of sulfur dioxide into the flue. The concentration of potash fume in the gas going to the potash plant will be at least five times as great as in the gas a t Davenport. On this account it is unnecessary to wash the gases before they go to the precipitator, but a dry dust collector should be suf-
VOl. 22, No. 2
ficient. Before entering the precipitator the gas is humidified.
twice as high as the corresponding ordinate for curve 2. Curves 1 and 3 intersect a t B, which point corresponds to two obtainable from the precipitator, and the efficiency of col- calciners operating in parallel, each in series with the one lection would be considerably higher than a t Davenport be- rotary. All the gas from the rotary goes into the calciners. cause of the greater concentration of potash fume in the gas. The calcines contain 10.3 per cent carbon dioxide. The outThe precipitator can be designed easily for 95 per cent ef- put is 1120 barrels daily; fuel consumption, 5250 gallons of ficiency which, based upon the data given above, would yield oil; B. t. u. per barrel, 703,000. an average of 1.75 pounds of K20 per barrel of clinker, worth Curve 4 is for two calciners and is the same as curve 3 except that none of the gas from the rotary goes into the calciners. Curves 4 and 1 intersect a t C, showing 11.7 per cent carbon dioxide in the calcines, an output of 1000 barrels daily, and a fuel consumption of 788,000 B. t. u. per barrel. Table I1 shows a credit of 103,000 B. t. u. in wasteheat steam, so that when the waste-heat boiler is taken into consideration point C cool has a somewhat higher efficiency than point B. It will be noted that the sizes of units chosen for the above analysis are relatively small. This has been done in order to Figure 2-Arrangement of Three-Stage Process w i t h Waste-Heat Boiler a n d P o t a s h P l a n t present data for a practical test Unit. In a-a, Herreshoff-Pike calciners; b , rotary kiln; c-c, regenerative coolers; d - d , flues for hot combus- practice, units at least twice as large can exhaust fans; g, flue, h, waste-heat boiler, 3. economizer, k, Cottioo air; !-?e, dust collectqrs, j-f-f, trell precipitator for collecting potash. be built producing about 2000 barrels of clinker daily. $0.07 per barrel. On the assumption of an operating cost Table I and Figure 4 give a heat balance corresponding to of $0.015 per barrel, this would mean a net return of about the point A , Figure 3. Table I1 gives the heat balance corresponding to point C, $0.055 per barrel. This description shows that the wet part of the process, Figure 3. which alone gave trouble a t Davenport, has been entirely Davenport Experiment eliminated, leaving a very simple automatic process. Also the great objection that is inherent in the extreme dilution of I n the Davenport three-stage process experimental plant the fume has been removed, because all the potash fume is the calciner was a modified Herreshoff furnace having eleven associated with one-third of the gases of combustion the total hearths and an internal diameter of 12 feet 6 inches. The of which is only about one-half that obtaining at Davenport. rotary was 35 feet long and had an internal diameter of 3 feet Thus the high thermal efficiency of the three-stage process 6 inches. The regenerative cooler was a modified Herreshoff combined with separate treatment of the gases from the rotary furnace with four hearths and an internal diameter of 11 makes possible the efficient and automatic collection of potash. feet. Figure 5 shows a part of this plant. To such potash the term “by-product” would be correctly I n designing this first plant the writer established as criapplied, teria complete calcination of the raw mix in the calciner and
A commercial grade of potassium sulfate should be directly
Calculation of Heat Balances
The curves of Figure 3 serve to define the principal characteristics of the arrangements described. In following out the calculations a constant rate of firing is assumed in the rotary and calciner. Each of these units of the size specified is fired with 1750 gallons of oil per day of 150,000 B. t. u. per gallon or equivalent of other fuel. Theoretical air is assumed. Under the stipulated conditions, curve 1 shows the variations of output of the rotary with varying percentages of carbon dioxide in the rotary feed. The experiments a t Davenport showed that when discharged a t 1600-1700” F. the calcines from the modified Herreshoff calciner contained from 10 to 17 per cent carbon dioxide. The same conclusion might be drawn from a recent article (2). Therefore, a constant temperature of 1700” F. in the rotary feed has been assumed. An interesting characteristic is the very rapid increase of output of the rotary as carbon dioxide in the feed to it decreases. Curve 2 shows the variation in output of one calciner with per cent carbon dioxide in the calcines. This curve assumes that the hot gas from the rotary goes into the calciner. Curves 1 and 2 intersect a t A , which shows the output when one calciner is operated in series with the one rotary. The location of A also shows that the calcines will contain about 17 per cent carbon dioxide. ,The output is 670 barrels daily; fuel, 3500 gallons; B. t. u. per barrel, 782,000. Curve 3 is for the two calciners and each ordinate is simply
Figure 3-Output ws. Percentage of Carbon Dioxide in Calciner Discharge a n d Rotary Feed for T h r e e - S t a g e Process
the use of a very small rotary whose function would be solely that of clinkering. This proved to be a fundamental error, because such a balance between the calciner and the rotary proved to be impossible to maintain. When the calciner was set to produce complete calcination, it was found that the material on the bottom hearth was in an unstable condition causing semi-clinkering and a stoppage of the feed. When
February, 1930
the calciner was operated to discharge calcines a t 1700" F. with 10 per cent or more carbon dioxide, no operating difficulties were encountered, but under these conditions the rotary was so small that clinker could not be produced in sufficient quantity. These conditions have been remedied by use of a larger rotary as shown in Figure 1 and by the production of calcines having from 10 to 17 per cent carbon dioxide as shown in Figure 3. When so designed the three-stage process can be operated without mechanical difficulties. The Davenport experiment furnished data for rational design of the three-stage process and demonstrated the high efficiency of the modified Herreshoff furnace for partially calcining raw mix. It was found that calcines could be discharged a t 16OC-1700'' F. with 10 to 17 per cent of carbon dioxide without running into incipient clinkering. When producing such calcines there will be no difficulty in operating with stack gas a t 500" F. T a b l e 1-Calculated H e a t B a l a n c e of Three-Stage Process f o r B u r n i n g P o r t l a n d C e m e n t C l i n k e r w i t h O n e Calciner in Series w i t h O n e R o t a r y , and w i t h R o t a r y Gas G o i n g i n t o Calciner Carbon dioxide in mix from calciner to rotarv 1 7 . 2 Der cent Principal dimensiins of calciner 12 feet i. d. X 11 hearths Principal dimensions of ro- 5 feet 6 inches X 7 feet 6 inches i. d. X 76 feet tary long Daily clinker output 680 barrels Fuel consumption 772,000 B. t. u. per barrel DEBIT CREDIT B . t . u. per B . 1. 11. p e r Per bbl. btl. cent Heat in fuel 772,000 Heat of formation of silicates 153 B. t. u. per Ib. 55,800 Sensible heat in stack gases a t 908' F., m.s.h. 0.27, 2.53 Ibs. per Ib. clinker 212,000 25.G Latent heat in same 40,600 4.9 Heat for calcining lime rock and dehydrating clay 1080 B. t. u. per Ib. 394,000 47.6 Heat for evaporating water of raw mix 3,100 0.4 Sensible heat of discharged clinker 96,000 11.6 Heat lost with dust 21,200 2.6 Losses by radiation, convection, and con60,900 7.3 duction from outside surface
T a b l e 11-Calculated H e a t B a l a n c e of T h r e e - S t a g e Process for B u r n i n g Portland C e m e n t C l i n k e r w i t h Gas of C o m b u s t i o n f r o m R o t a r y By-Passed t h r o u e h a W a s t e - H e a t Boiler Carbon dioxide in mix from calciner to 11 per cent rotary Temperature of mix from calciner to 1700' F. rotary 2 Number of modified Herreshoff calciners 12 feet i. d. X 11 hearths Principal dimensions Number of rotaries 1 5 feet 6 inches X 7 feet 6 inches Principal dimensions of rotary i. d. X 75 feet long Number of coolers of Herreshoff type 2 Principal dimensions not stated; instead one rotary cooler may be employed if desired Daily clinker output 1060 barrels Fuel consumption 788,000 B . t. u. per barrel Heat in steam from waste-heat boiler 103,000 B. t. u . per barrel DEBIT CREDIT B . t. u . p e r B . t . u . per Per bbl. bbl. cent Heat in fuel 788,000 Heat of formation of silicates, 153 B. t. u nrr r _ _l h 55,800 Sensible heat in stack gas from calciner a t 500' F., m.s.h. 0.27, 1.63 Ibs. per Ib. clinker 78,200 9.26 Sensible heat in stack gas from waste-heat boiler a t 450' F.. m.s.h. 0.27. 0.89 Ib. Der Ib. clinker 34,200 4.05 Latent heat in all stack gases 39,100 4.63 Heat for calcining lime rock and dehydrating clay, 1080 B. t . u. per Ib. 394,000 46,75 Heat in steam from waste-heat boiler 103,000 12.20 Heat for evaporating water of ram mix 3,100 0.37 Sensible heat of discharged clinker 96,000 11.36 Heat lost with dust 21,21)0 2.51 Losses by radiation, convection, and conduction from outside surface 75,000 8.88
- -
Complete Separation of Calcining and Clinkering Stages
A somewhat different interpretation can be given to the arrangement for multistage burning. This proposed ar-
rangement contemplates calcining crushed limestone t o practically zero carbon dioxide in the modified Herreshoff calciner, cooling and mixing the lime with clay, and burning the mixture to clinker in a rotary kiln. This is virtually the scheme which has been used in Japan, except that the manyhearthed calciner with its large unit output combined with
Regenerative C o o l e r
Figure 4-Diagram of H e a t D i s t r i b u t i o n in B u r n i n g Portland C e m e n t Clinker b y T h r e e - S t a g e Process Corresponding t o Point A, Figure 3
high fuel economy has been substituted for the shaft kiln for calcining the lime rock. Obviously this arrangement, which is illustrated diagrammatically in Figure 6, is inferior with respect to fuel economy to the one illustrated in Figure 2. If it is assumed for the purpose of convenient calculation that the cement raw mix is made up of 75 per cent pure lime rock and 25 per cent of clay, the amount of material to be fine ground, if the pure lime rock is first calcined, is reduced by about one-third and burned lime is easier to grind than lime rock. A probable saving of about one-half in power used for raw grinding may therefore be expected, and this is the saving actually reported from Japan. Table I11 gives the calculated heat balance of a rotary kiln used to burn clinker from a mixture of lime and clay. H e a t B a l a n c e for R o t a r y K i l n B u r n i n g a M i x t u r e of L i m e and Clay DEBIT CREDIT B . t. u . p e r bbl. clinker Heat in fuel 347,3504 Heat of formation of silicates 55,800 Sensible heat in stack gases a t 1074' F., m.s.h. 0.27. 0.79 Ib. Der Ib. clinker 79.000 Latent heat in came 16;250 Heat for dehydrating clay, 149 B. t . u. per Ib. 54,400 Sensible heat of discharged clinker 155,500 Heat lost with dust 20,000 Heat lost by radiation, etc. 78,000 T a b l e 111-Calculated
403,150 403,150 According to the meager data of the Japanese operation, the output of a rotary kiln is increased threefold and 49 Ibs. of coal are used per barrel of clinker. Unfortunately no data are a t hand on the quality of coal, but if this is 12,000 B. t. u. per Ib. the consumption would be 588,000 B. t . u. per bbl. In such case the Japanese kilns were evidently operated with a higher stack gas temperature than postulated here, but it would seem t o be reasonable t o expect a temperature as low a s t h a t assumed if the output of the kiln mere reduced somewhat as compared with the Japanese practice. a
The modified Herreshoff calciner rock will calcine a ton of lime with the expenditure of about 5,500,000 B . t . u . One barrel of clinker will require 245 pounds of 98 per cent burned
Comparison with Usual Rotary Kiln &xrsiing, thercfoic, that the arrangement shown io Figure 2 is the best, it rill lie of interest to comp~r(tt h k with B modern rotary using the dry pioeeas and equipped with wastelieat boilcn. The cornparison is hardly lair to the new proposed mmgement, because the isask-hest boilem in tho iisud rotary kiln plant are far larger then in the proposed
Tbc arrengoments summarived in cdumns 3 and 4 seem tu be the most interesting. The most apparcnt diflcronoe betwecu them is thst ssevingoi 336.000 B. t. U. is balanced off against whatever saving may be effeoted in tho cost 01 grinning tho i.sw instoridresulting from having a tbird less material to grind end that of &" C R S i O i grindi.6. netuie. It is not tt,o purpose of Ltlb paiiei to discuss in de. tsii !>-hat, t i i i a saying in grinding cost may bo. dppnreiitly t h e basic clcmenis w h i d ~should lead t u h o"ii,il!.~rnl,lo Suviiig ilm ,"CSP"t, but x ahange in plant ~arrirnCmriit niid " T . l l i"et.h"dS of g'indiiib. s o u i d //&/e to be I(itU1