continuous in-line agitator... mixes Proof of the superior emulsifying ef fect of new water-in-oil emulsifier over typical monoglyceride
produce emulsions which are not thermostable, Emocithin produces W / O emulsions, which will not sep arate at temperatures u p to 200° F . (per A S T M Steam Emulsion Test D 157-36). These emulsions are so pure, tasteless, and odorless that they are already gaining wide acceptance for food, pharmaceutical, and cos metic uses in Europe, where they were first introduced. Application possibilities include : incorporating corrosion inhibitors in lubricating oils, improving taste properties of medicinals and foods, antistaling agents for baked goods, formulating fatty cosmetics with new water solu ble colors and flavors, a n d adding water to internal combustion engine fuels. Dept. IEC, Morningstar, Nicol, Inc., 630 West 51st St., New York, Ν. Υ.
your flows on the g o !
NETTCO FLOMIX®! Would your operation benefit from • • • •
fast, uninterrupted processing? greater product uniformity? simplified piping arrangements? elimination of intermediate storage tanks and/or mixing vessels?
• reduced maintenance? Nettco Flomix is the ideal solution for combining two or more liquids, or liquids and solids flowing through your pipelines . . . in mixing, blending, reacting, washing, contacting, bleaching, absorbing, chlorin ating, clarifying, or similar processes;
14 Molded Forms of Activated Carbon Featuring a high adsorption ca pacity, and being much easier to handle than activated carbon gran ules of equal volume, a new line of molded cube a n d wafer shapes of activated carbon is expected to find wide usage in the adsorption of un wanted odors a n d vapors. Specially treated to be dust free, the shapes are formed from powdered, highly adsorbent qualities of activated car bon bonded with an organic resin. T h e excellent adsorption qualities of product stem from its extremely large
M o r e information is as near as your mailbox! Just write to the manufac turer of the item in which you are in terested. Use of your company letter head will ensure a speedy reply
UNIQUE DESIGN . . . another patented Nettco FIRST (U. S. Pat. No. 2183859). VERSATILITY . . . has mixed from clay slip to penicillin.
H I G H CAPACITY . . . can handle over 400 GPM; viscosities of 75,000 SSU; pres sures over 400 PSI; temperatures to 300° C.
Let Nettco agitation engineers show you how the Flomix can make your continuous processing more p r o f i t a b l e . Request B u l l e t i n N o . 5 3 1 . Write t o New England Tank & Tower Co., 83 Tileston Street, Everett 4 9 , Massachusetts.
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