-,'i "-as used to make better
at Crown Rubber Company,
Out in front, because it's so w e l l - b a c k e d - w i t h PLIOLITE LATEX Unique in concept and construction is the best way to describe the handsome floor covering pictured above. The idea is to use it first as temporary carpeting, later as permanent padding under conventional carpeting. It's made of colorful, durable open-weave cotton, permanently bonded to long-lasting foam rubber. The price-pennies per square foot. A vital part in turning this bright idea into a successful product was played by PLIOLITE LATEX 5352. This new styrene/butadiene rubber latex was chosen pri-
marily because it can be used without blending with natural rubber latex to make resilient, durable foam. Other reasons for its selection: Outstanding uniformity. Excellent physical properties. How can PLIOLITE LATEX 5352 help you put your prod uct out in front? You'll find it makes an excellent, economical cushioning for many products. Write for details, including the latest Tech Book Bulletins, to Goodyear, Chemical Division, Dept.M-9416, Akron 16, Ohio, or talk to your local latex compounder.
GOOD/VEAR CHEMICAL DIVISION P l i o l i t o - T . M . The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company, Akron, Ohio