Polarographic Techniques

termined. Some 1200 organic substances have thus been treated and listed and the statement made (on p. 120) that this opens “almost unlimited possib...
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melting point of organic compounds is performed under the cillographic technique for proof of reversibility was not well microscope, or the conoscope, under various optical condi- chosen. Either the triangular voltage pulse (Sevcik) or the tions. superimposed sine wave technique (Breyer, Ershler , Grahame, I n addition t o the foregoing, its eleven chapters contain Randles) would have been more appropriate. a n extensive treatise on general optical crystallography and Chapter VI on Maxima and Their Suppression is theothen discussions of such items as single-, mixed- and liquid retically weak, although i t contains many valuable practical crystals, iso- a n d polymorphism, eutectics and application details. The work of von Stackelberg deserves mention. of the microscope for the determination of the refractive Practically no emphasis is placed on instantaneous curindex (by means of suitable glass powders) and cryoscopic rent-time behavior, no doubt because the treatment genermolecular weight determination. ally refers to currents measured by a galvanometer. The Of particular interest appears to be the chapter entitled: theoretical treatment of irreversible waves is more straight“Thermo-Analysis” featuring the use of three melting points forward if the “peak current” is measured, and adsorption for the identification of a n organic compound. Thus in waves (p. 82-83) as well as certain waves due to film formaaddition t o its own melting point, the mixed melting points tion clearly show the expected inverted current-time bewith acetanilide and separately, with phenacetine, are de- havior if a high speed recorder is used. Thus the inference termined. Some 1200 organic substances have thus been ( p . 63) that there is no advantaze to the use of high speed treated and listed and the statement made (on p. 120) that recorders is misleading. this opens “almost unlimited possibilities for the characteriI n the chapter on Amperometric Titrations the imprcssion is somehow created (p. 198) t h a t the over-all accuracy zation and identification of organic substances” and t h a t henceforth the usual “preparation of derivatives is unneces- is limited by the accuracy of determining concentration b r sary.” Further positive experimental substantiation of measurement of current, rather than by the stoichiometr these statements, together with the elimination of the of the reaction and the sensitivity of detection of a small inmicroscope, might really revolutionize organic qualitative crement of volume. If a similar criterion were applied to analysis. potentiometric titrations a n entirely erroneous notion of its Unfortunately the literature, although extensive in both accuracy would be given. The absence of charging current sections, is only up to about 1950 in the first and only to with a rotating platinum electrode merits mention as conabout 1940 in the second section. Both subject as well as tributing to its useful sensitivity. The need for relatively author index are missing. concentrated solutions of titrant is overemphasized, especially for inverted L shaped curves for which no dilution The first section is undoubtedly useful to the organic syncorrections are necessary before the end-point. Comples thesis for rapid selection of the tools and method for a given occasional microchemical task, while the second section formation titrations have been applied, contrary to the statement on p. 193. S o mention is made of the Sargent appears to strictly cater to the specialist, interested in or“Ampot,” a n instrument designed for amperometric titraganic crystallography. tions. AVENIDA SASTA FE 3390 A few minor points: On p . 8, 9, i t is stated t h a t for lineJOSEPHB. SIEDERL BTJESOS AIRES, ARGEXTINA arity the resistance of the voltage divide;, “must be very much smaller than t h a t of the cell circuit. Since the cell circuit does not obey Ohm’s Law, this requirement is much Polarographic Techniques. By LOGIS MEITES, Assistant too rigid, and would be better stated by requiring that the Professor of Chemistry, Yale Cniversity, New Haven, Connecticut. With a foreword b y I. M. KOLTHOFF. current through the voltage divider must be very much larger than the current through the cell. Interscience Publishers, Inc., 250 Fifth Avenue, Xew The derivation (p. 98) applies t o the cathodic as me11 as York 1, S. Y. 1955. xiii 317 pp. 16 X 23.5 cm. the anodic curve of mercurous ion. The term “homoPrice, $6.00. geneous electrode reaction” (p. 99) is not ideal, inasmuch This is not a book on analytical procedures, nor is it con- as all electrode reactions are surface reactions and are therecerned exclusively with the experimental side of polarog- fore heterogeneous. The statement (p. log), “any appreraphy. I n the preface, i t is stated that “It began as a ciable variation of Ex/, with concentration is conclusive manual of purely experimental techniques, but i t soon beproof of the irreversibility of the reaction” is not true of came evident t h a t these could only be explained rationally unsymmetrical waves, for example the anodic wave of thioby referen,ce to the theory which guides all of our experimen- sulfate. The lack of a n inflection around the residual curtal manipulations.” I n a foreword by I . M. Kolthoff, the rent curve (p. 109) is not as rigorous a condition for reversiaims and objectives are stated t o be “to provide a concise bility as the coincidence of anodic and cathodic half wave practical an! theoretical introduction into the field of popotentials. The proper logarithmic slope of the compositc larography. curve should be added as a criterion. The half-wave poEmphasis is placed on principles which by intelligent ap- tential of a n irreversible curve depends noticeably on drop plication can be used to devise procedures for particular purtime, contrary t o the statement on p. 123. poses. It contains, in addition t o a theoretical introduction Lest the above criticisms create a n unfavorable impresto the various aspects of the subject, a wealth of details on sion, let it be understood that on the whole the objectives experimental techniques which should be of enormous value of the present volume have been very well achieved. This to the new investigator in helping him t o avoid the many work should be a valuable aid to the student and to the beexperimental pitfalls in this field. A major contribution is ginning research worker as a n introduction to the field. a comprehensive list of half-wave potentials and diffusion The book shows evidence of very careful proof-reading and current constants of inorganic substances published prior to editing, as evidenced by a remarkably small number of typoDecember 1954. graphical errors (an exception is the wrong sign of E” on I). I n a book of limited scope, it is inevitable t h a t many im129). portant subjects are treated very briefly or omitted altogether. DEPARTMEST OF CHEMISTRY The treatment of reversible current voltage curves is excelASD CHEMICAL ENGINEERING lent, and apart from a n erroneous statement ( p . 47) concern€1. -4.LAITINEN UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS in the Ilkovic equation, ing the origin of the factor URBANA, ILLISOIS the theory of diffusion currents is adequate. On the other hand, irreversible waves are hardly treated a t all, and it is unfortunate that most of the references to this subject are Enzymologie. Eine Darstellung fur Chemiker, Biologen to material which is relatively inaccessible, or out of date. und Mediziner. By OTTO HOFFMANN-OSTENHOF, DR I n particular, references to the recent papers of Koutecky PHIL.,Privatdozent am I. Chemischen Laboratorium der and of Kern would have been desirable. Controlled potenUniversitat W e n . Springer-Verlag, hfolkerbastei 5, tial coulometry is handled brilliantly, b u t unfortunately no U’ien 1, Austria. 1954. xvi 772 pp. 18 X 25 cm. mention is made of constant current coulometry or transition Price, Ganzleinen, $26.65. time measurements in spite of the fact t h a t space is found In these days of increasing specialization it is common for lesser topics such as derivative polarography. The treatment of back pressure of mercury, temperature coeffi- practice to publish treatises under joint editorship and with multiple authorship. The authoritative work on enzymes cient of diffusion current, and current compcnwtion techniques could have been condensed to give added space. I u in the English language today is untloubtedl- “l’hc Enzymes,” edited by James R. Siimner :ind Karl hIyrbiick tlic opinion of the reviewer, the single refrrrncc to :in nq-


