Polarography of Niobium(V) in (Ethylenedinitrilo)-tetraacetic Acid and

Polarography of Niobium(V) in (Ethylenedinitrilo)-tetraacetic Acid and Citric Acid Media. J. H. Kennedy. Anal. Chem. , 1961, 33 (7), pp 943–946. DOI...
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Polarography of Niobium(V) in (EthyIenedinitril0)tetraacetic Acid and Citric Acid Media JOHN H. KENNEDY Explosives Department, Experimental Station Laboratory, E. 1. du Ponf de Nemours & Co., Inc., Wilmington, Del.

b More information on three niobiumcitrate complexes and a niobiumEDTA complex was obtained from polarographic data. The EDTA complex was reduced a t -0.593 volt vs. S.C.E. a t p H 3.0. In the presence of dilute citric acid (