Reilly Research Report
DMAP: The Hvpernucleophile.
4-Dimethylaminopyridine 4-Dimethylaminopyridine catalyzes acylations at rates 10,000 times faster than pyridine. Amines, phenols, alcohols, and enolates which prove difficult to acyfat© using classical methods, give good yields and product purity when DMAP is the catalyst Polymerizations yielding polyamides, polyurethanes, polyisocyanates and poiyepoxides all benefit from catalyst systems incorporating DMAP. Its high reactivity coupled with good solu bility characteristics permit the use of a wide range of solvents.
DMAP forms stable functionalized pyridinium salts which are effective reagents for the transfer of acyl and cyano groups to other substrates. Its utility in pharmaceutical, agricultural and polymer chemistry is well documented. Specifi cations, data and bibliographic information available on request
Reilly Tar & Chemical Corporation
1510 Market Square Center 151 Ν. Delaware Street Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 (317) 247-8141 Telex 27-404