automatic pre-weighing! (have you time not to use it?)
only sartorius
hgs it with alldigital readout If you want the fastest, simplest
pre-weighing gives maximum
analytical weighing instrument
protection to the most critical
ever developed, your choice
balance components, since you
is limited. You must select any one
never apply a load (weight) when
of several Sartorius all-digital
the knives are on the bearings.
automatic pre-weighing balances. They give you coarse weight (to
Sartorius automatic preweighing balances also feature
the nearest gram) instantly with
mechanical taring a n d a l l the
out time consuming trial and error
other most recent developments in
weight d i a l i n g . Up to 8 0 % faster
balance technology. But the first
than conventional single pan
thing to look for is the Sartorius
balances, they let you complete
name. If the balance doesn't have
any weighing within 15 seconds. Moreover, Sartorius automatic
it, it doesn't have automatic oil-digital pre-weighing.
For more detailed information write to:
sartorius balances Division of Brinkmann Instruments, Cantiague Road, Westbury, L. I., New York Π 5 9 0 Circle No. 24 on Readers' Service Card
68 A