Say, C2H5, how can we demonstrate the application versatility of pur ADMA'alkyldimethylamines?"
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"But bulk manufacture to exacting specifications and uniform quality is the real test." "YES* WE PRODUCE THESE ALHVLAITllNES IN LARGE QUANTITIES, IT1EETING TERTIARY AIT11NE PURITY DF LESS THAN 0 . 3 / PRimARV AND SECONDARY ACT11NES." "The product line must include different chain lengths." " W E H A V E C l E , C m andC 1 E IN SINGLE CUTS OR BLENDS." "Remember, low APHA color is also important." "A0mA ,M IS SUITABLE FOR THE (T105T DECT1AN01NG APPLICA-
T 1 0 N S - F 0 R ET1AHING BIQCIDES, AKT11NE OXIDES. TEXTILE CHEmiCALS AND OIL FIELDS PRODUCTS. (TlAXimum COLOR RATING IS LESS THAN 5 0 APHA." "Our customers seek and must have a dependable, continuing supply." "WE ARE BASIC IN FEEDSTOCHS. 5 0 THAT IS NO PROBLEIT1. NDW WE HAVE TO HELP PEOPLE DISCOVER THAT ADIHA'* HAS HIGH QUALITY AND LOW PRICE." "Ads like this one are important. Interested parties will write to us for production samples." "THAT IS ETHYLOGICAL."
Tell me if A DMArM can help my application, which is Send me a production sample of ADMAT for my evaluation. Name Title Company . Address _ City/State
Ethyl Corporation Industrial Chemicals ETHYL TOWER. 4 5 1 FLORIDA, BATON ROUGE, LOUISIANA