Some Ambiguous Chemical Terms Defined Although chemists endeavor to employ terminology that is clear and unambiguous, even the most common chemical words and phrases could be misinterpreted by a "cynical scientist". The followine - list is resented as evidence of this. Acetic A marine parasite Amine nitride A 2 0 0 a.m. bicycle ride through the Bronx Asymmetry Place where people are buried Atom A male eat A salt 'n battery Lead sulfate Bond energy 007 always possessed plenty of this Cis-migration Movement of one's sibling to another country Crystallize When a crystallographer tells a colleague he grew a crystal two feet long, you know he is telling these Degrees To remove grease Dipoles Lech Walesa and his wife Drying agents Group of damp FBI men sitting by a heater Electron Succinct campaign slogan used for President Reagan's election Fission Popular aquatic sport utilizing rod and reel Grignards When he developed these compounds, the inventor had a smile three feet long Hertz This happens when you bang your head against a wall witbgreat frequency Iodine-127 If you borrow $127 from your friend Deane, you might be required to give him a slip of paper with this on it Noble gases Flatulent dukes and earls emit these Polarize Frozen water in the Arctic Porphyrins Low-income neirhbors " Solute A private will do this when a general passes by 1oz of silver peroxide Rate of payment trappers were paid for their ox skins
Nlcholas C. Thomas Auburn Univers~tyat Montgomery Montgomery. AL 36193
Volume 63
Number 12
December 1986