Student perspective - American Chemical Society

complete the bachelor's degree since most c.o-op programs require an extra year or at least an extra semester in school. ~ i w e v e r , a conpie of m...
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Student Perspective Nancy B. J a c k s o n American Chemical Society 1155 16th Street. N.W. Washington. DC 20036

edited by: Geoflrey Davles and Alan L. McClelland

This month's column is concerned with the student persnective on coooerative education. Students benefit from rw,ptmtive education; and, to ensure t l w r partivipntim in the nroeram. they must undrrstatd so-up's ndvantaues. pkrhaps the biggest single deterrent tb students iontemplating cooperative education is the extra time it takes to complete the bachelor's degree since most c.o-op programs require an extra year or a t least an extra semester in school. ~ i w e v e ra, conpie of minutes of conversation with a cooperative edncation student reveals the integral part a cooperative work experience plays in the co-op student's development as a person and as a professional. Work experience in the "real world" builds self-confidence and maturitv and orovides bnckgn,und knowledge from which 1 0 makc real:sti~,cnrwr deri+ions.('u-