HouseholdHSH!^ Strives New Agency Safer Life Make To Home In and Around
Sgeafrfog of safety Hommable Hoot stringent tests af cérers face more m fire tragedy
-F-mm.Fir Persuades It
Ffommabm Standard^ JVÉM
Under F\o Pone'
The burning issue: flame retardance How do your products match up? It's no longer a question of whether many products will have to conform to fire-saiety regulations. Now it's a question of when. Plastics, synthetic fibers, cellulosics . . . an everwidening range of products and materials will have to be flame retardant for tomorrow's marketplaces. Michigan's fireMaster series of flame retardant systems is one of the most complete of its kind.
They've earned us the reputation for being the firemen for industry. Be sure your products match up to today's— and tomorrow's—flame retardant standards. Ask the firemen at Michigan. Write or call:
Michigan Chemical Corporation, 351 E. O h i o St., Chicago, III. 60611. (312) 828-9500. CEN-32574
Michigan The masters of flame retardant chemistry CIRCLE 2 8 O N READER SERVICE CARD
March 25, 1974 C&EN