The Chemistry of Phenolic Resins. The Formation, Structure, and

Synthesis and Characterization of Resol Type Phenolic Resin/Layered Silicate Nanocomposites. Chemistry of Materials. Byun, Choi, and Chung. 2001 13 (1...
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Vol. 79

good historical survey of the development of the theory of show the structure of the book in great detail. The text is elementary particles, the treatment as a whole tends t o be followed b y a list of nearly 700 references including about formal rather than physical. This is by no means a dis100 patents, and, finally, by a 20-page index. Anyone advantage, since there is no real agreement among theoretical interested in the technical aspects of photography will find physicists t h a t t h e present formalism can be adequately rethis volume informative and useful. lated t o experiment. T h e text contains not only t h e usual i O D A K RESEARCH LABORATORIES material on quantum electrodynamics, b u t also considerable IEASTMAN KODAKCOMPANY FRANZ URBACH attention is paid to higher spin fields. It concludes with a 4,SEW YORK very interesting chapter on the theory of propagators. Due ROCHESTER t o the inevitable time lag between writing and publication, the book contains no hint of the extension of the concept of isotopic spin due t o Gell-Mann and Pais, or of t h e recent work on dispersion relations. Otherwise it should serve The Chemistry of Phenolic Resins. The Formation, Structure, and Reactions of Phenolic Resins and Related Prodvery well the purpose of bringing the reader to the point W. MARTIN,Shell Development Co., ucts. BY ROBERT n here he can understand current papers on field theory. Emeryville California. John X’iley and Sons, Inc., 440 UNIVERSITY O F CALIFORNIB 298 pp. Fourth Avenue, New York 16, X. Y. 1956. xi RADIATION LABORATORY H PIERRESOYES 15.5 X 23.5 cm. Price, $9.50. LIVERMORE,CALIFORNIA There has been a need for a semi-critical survey in English of the chemistry of phenolic resins in the same pattern as Hultzsch’s “Chemie der Phenolharze” in German. MarDie Wissenschaftliche und Angewandte Photographie. tin’s new book certainly satisfies this need. In the opinion Fiinfter Band. Die Technik der Negativ- und Positivverfahren. By EDWIN MUTTER, Hamburg. KURT of the reviewers, it is the best book t h a t has been written on phenolic chemistry. MICHEL, Editor. Springer-Verlag, Molkerbastei 5, %en The literature has bcen extensively covered into 19.551, Austria. 1955. xix 396 pp. 17 X 25 cm. Price, there are 1373 references. X very large number of topics Ganzleinen US 815.70. are treated with excellent review and detail. The author Dr. Mutter’s book is part of a handbook-like survey of has been particularly effective in presenting different viewscientific and applied photography, intended t o be a con- points on controversial areas of the subject without losing tinuation or resumption of the well known Handbook by the semi-critical approach. In one sense, there are those A . Hay a n d M. von Rohr. This volume deals with the mho would have been happy to have the personal-and pernegative and positive processes of black and white photograhaps more critical-view of such an expert in the field as phy with silver halide gelatin emulsions. It is intended to Mr. Martin on some of these controversial areas. Howserve the scientist, t h e student and the practical worker. ever, this cannot be classified as a criticism of the method of The first chapters of the book contain a presentation of the presentation or of the book in general. It might have inbasic facts and concepts of photographic technique, a creased the significance of the discussion on many of the discussion of photographic chemicals, and a n introduction points on mechanisms and kinetics to have drawn on more to the theories of latent-image formation and of the develop- evidence outside the area of phenolic chemistry, although ment process. There follows a comprehensive treatment of again one cannot regard this as a criticism of a well-written thc various photographic techniques, such as development, book. fi sa t ion, washing, drying, intensification, reduction, toning, On page 264, there could have been more discussion on the desensitization, hypersensitization and latensification. point of acid catalysis. On page 267, there is no analysis of Nearly one-third of the text is devoted to a collection of the possibilities of why novolak resins are essentially linear formulas and specific processing instructions. The char- and short chained. Sprengling’s work and t h a t of Imoto acter of topics covered by the book varies greatly, ranging could have been discussed in this connection. But these from basic theoretical problems to such practical topics as the and other minor items are likely a matter of individual construction of developing tanks and the toxicity of photo- preference t h a t do not detract from the value of the book. graphic chemicals. Unavoidably, the treatment of many of This is a book that should be on the shelf of every organic the topics is superficial; some have iiot been brought up t o chemist. For those n-orking in t h e field of phenolics, it is a date, and some techniques are included which may be necessity. considered as obsolete. T o many readers the latter will be OF CHEMISTRS quite welcome since many techniques, which have now dis- DEPARTMEST ISSTITCTE OF BROOKLYN appeared from common practice, are interesting and con- POLYTECHXIC 1, NEW Y O R K C C;. OVERBERGER BROOKLYN tain possible points of departure for future developments. Every effort has been made t o make the book a useful refer- ST. REGISPAPERCOMP.%SS PASELPTE DIVIXOS ence work. About 350 pages of text are preceded b y a reG E O R G E 1’. SCIIR1I~I.I. markable table of contents whose 370 titles and subtitles TRENTON, X. J .

