Humble announces:
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It minimizes smoke in fibers and plastics production. For some time now, we've been testing a new 210 vis paraffinic white oil (U.S.P.) with volatility so low it can keep your profits from going up in smoke. It works beautifully: mini in smoke and oil loss, maxi in production economies. You can put its high flash point and very low front end volatility to work in high-purity plastics. In textiles, it offers extra lubricity because it's paraffinic. And you get improved finish because its high oxidation stability significantly reduces gum and de-
posits on machines. So it is a potential replacement for higher-priced synthetic esters. We'd like to send you a sample. But it's so new it hasn't a brand name yet. So, to differentiate it from all the other Humble White Oils (the most complete line in the business) just clip the r^t ^^ coupon and ask about our new
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Where you get all the extras.
Humble Oil & Refining Company White Oil Technical Sales Humble Building, Houston, Texas 77002 OK. Send me a sample of the new mini oil and more information about it for .(application). Name Title Company. Address _ City State Zip
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